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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Coulter: Ban Democrats Instead Of Confederate Flag

Ann Coulter, conservative firebrand, told a national television audience on C–SPAN’s “Washington Journal” Americans ought to worry less about the Confederate flag and more about the Democratic Party – the ones who are truly to blame for much of the racism in the country.

Coulter’s comments came on the heels of South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s call to remove the Confederate flag from the Capitol building.

Her response?

“I think it’s completely moronic,” Coulter said, the Daily Caller reported. “I mean, this is an awful thing that happened in Charleston. Luckily, it’s quite rare. But to jump on this and go back to a litany of liberal talking points that make Republicans look bad, how about banning the Democratic Party?”

After all, Coulter said, Democrats were the ones who pressed segregation.

“They were the ones who supported – who were on the Confederate side of the Civil War,” she said.



  1. I definitely agree with Ann.

  2. there are hidden dangers of the rainbow!! question it, research it, it's here. That flag! that flag! must come down also!!!!

  3. Nikki Haley is a RINO POS. I certainly hope the voters come out and oust her like they did Gov. Beasley in 2000 for taking the flag off the state house.

    Nikki Haley your true colors have come out and your political career is DONE! Go back to India you damn RINO.

    Nikki Haley proves that women can't handle the job. Most are weak.

  4. Ann Coulter is a happy deceiver.

  5. "Ann Coulter is a happy deceiver." Care to back up that statement?


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