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Monday, June 22, 2015

Conservatives: Lack of Focus on Working Women Hurts GOP's WH Chances

A growing group of conservatives is concerned that many Republican presidential candidates may be ignoring female breadwinners in their campaigns, and that the results will show when the 2016 election rolls around.

"For years now, Democrats have been saying: We are focused on women in the workplace," Sabrina Schaeffer, executive director of the Independent Women’s Forum, which promotes conservative policies, told The Washington Post.

"For whatever reason, Republicans keep ignoring these issues. It’s the absolute worst thing they can do. They need to understand, engage and offer better solutions. They can’t be afraid."

The results of disregarding working mothers' needs has been showing in the past three presidential elections, reports The Post.

Nearly half of all working mothers voted to elect George W. Bush as president. However, by 2008, that share dropped to 40 percent for Arizona Sen. John McCain and in 2012, only about one-third voted for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, both of whom lost their bids.

There are many new proposals that are being embraced by the party's policy makers and economists, but Republican strategists are concerned that many of the large crop of candidates are waiting until after the primaries to adopt the ideas in hopes of not alienating a segment of the party who believes at least one of a family's parents should stay home with their children.

More here


  1. As long as they continue to propose to interfere in women's reproductive choices, the GOP is shooting itself in the foot.

  2. Reproductive choices is a sickening politically correct way of saying murdering an innocent baby. How about my right to abort you?

  3. Nobody's 'interfering' in reproductive choices, just speaking out against murdering unborn babies.
    If you don't want to have a baby, you make that 'reproductive choice' BEFORE you have sex, not after. Although Catholics have issues with birth control, the GOP as a whole supports the availability of birth control, as long as it isn't an abortion pill.

    Carly Fiorina is very focused and effective in communicating on women's issues.. a Walker/Fiorina ticket would be outstanding in many ways. They would be a great team for restoring America.


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