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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Confederate flag pulled from SC capitol grounds by activists

COLUMBIA, SC - The Confederate flag was removed from a pole on the South Carolina capitol grounds early Saturday morning by activists, but state employees returned the flag to its position within several hours of the incident.

An activist group claimed responsibility for taking the flag down. Witnesses said two people were detained by authorities almost immediately after one of them scaled the flag pole on the north side of the State House grounds and pulled the Confederate banner down.

The S.C. Department of Public Safety’s Bureau of Protective Services said it arrested two people at around 6:15 a.m..

A Bureau of Protective Services officer was on routine patrol and had just made his rounds when he was notified by other officers monitoring the flag that a woman was climbing the flag pole where the Confederate Flag flies where Main Street deadends into the State House grounds. The officer asked the woman, who was wearing climbing gear, to get off the flag pole. She refused to come down until she unhooked the flag.



  1. You may be sure she was paid a handsome sum to do this. The racist who wrote the article is also looking for fame and fortune and should not be repeated. It's all just another diversion to hide the skullduggery of Ob's administration.

  2. They were arrested not just detained.

  3. Again, more History is removed from our Nation. Future will not teach basic reading, writing or addition and subtraction. Not to be taught in our schools. BUT we will teach and music and dancing and art. We also teach how to use electronic machines What happens when that huge SOLAR FLARE stops all these machines?

  4. Come try and take mine down.


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