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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Confederate Flag Controversy a Complete Misdirect

Last week, evil racist terrorist Dylann Storm Roof shot nine innocent black members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Before their bodies had cooled, President Obama attempted to blame the shootings on the National Rifle Association and lack of gun control; Hillary Clinton blamed the shootings on white supremacy and Donald Trump-like overheated rhetoric; Bill Maher blamed Fox News, and suggested that Fox News ought to be droned like al-Qaida propagandist Anwar Al-Awlaki.

Despite these divisive tactics, Americans united. There were no racial lines to grief: Thousands of blacks and whites marched in Charleston, packed the devastated church, mourned together.

But the American left could not stand such racial unity — it threatens their cherished belief that America continues to represent racial oppression and white supremacy. And so the media and politicians on the left manufactured a racial controversy over the Confederate flag.

Now, there are plenty of excellent reasons to oppose the placement of the Confederate flag on state grounds: The Union won, as it should have; the Confederate battle flag originally represented a new nation founded on reverence for slavery, a deeply evil institution; the Confederate battle flag was utilized by Southern Democrats as a symbol of resistance to federal desegregation during the Jim Crow era. Blacks in America are absolutely right to feel offended by the flag.

By the same token, there are plenty of decent reasons for the Confederate battle flag to stay on longstanding state monuments: to remind viewers of the fact that evil and good live together in every human heart; to remind viewers of the fact that good people did sacrifice on behalf of their states' sovereignty, not merely to defend slavery (most of those who fought and died for the Confederacy did not hold slaves); as a symbol of Southern military heritage, given that the South has always been overrepresented in terms of its military service in the United States.

More here


  1. I still bought a Confederate flag t shirt anyway.

  2. When I studied history in school we read and learned that most blacks at that time became soldiers on the side of the south (THE CONFEDERACY) they fought against the North. The way I read it the North were the real slave owners who treated the blacks far worse than the South and they only made this something to condemn the South for. A lot of the Southern slave owners gave them land for services and provided schooling, food and shelter. The old movie Gone With the Wind paints the slave owners as loving caring and protection against harm, they stood side by side to protect their women and children. Are we to rewrite all of history because of one crazed murderer? Sure there are always those who were tyrants but not just in the South the North as well.

  3. I went to a website yesterday to buy a Confederate battle flag. The site was down but presented a page that said they were sold out. They had gotten over 8000 orders in less then 24hrs when on a good day they get about 20. They say they'll be back up and restocked ASAP and DO NOT intend to be intimidated.
    I'm going to keep checking and will buy as soon as they reopen.


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