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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Bush says Clinton failed as secretary of state

DERRY, N.H. (AP) — Newly declared Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is fast out of the gate when it comes to criticizing Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front-runner.

In his New Hampshire debut as an official candidate, Bush commended Clinton as tough and smart Tuesday but labelled her record as secretary of state "a complete failure" and said she didn't accomplish much as a New York senator before that.

As a presidential candidate, Clinton has run a cloistered operation with limited opportunities to face questions from the press, he said. "It's ridiculous."

The former Florida governor made the comments in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that could be overheard by those at a town hall event that followed.



  1. She did fail as Secretary of State. The dems will still vote for her though. Most are too damn stupid to know there is even such a thing as a Secretary of State much less what the position means. Then there's the fact that any and all democrats lack any morals what so ever, so those that do know her record will ignore how much of a liar she is and vote for her anyway.

  2. She also fails as a decent law abiding human being. She is a dishonest, lying, coward and should be in prison, period!!


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