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Sunday, June 07, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: WCBOE School Board Appointments Made

Don Fitzgerald was reappointed.

Newly appointed was Joe Ollinger & John Palmer.


  1. Great choices!!!

  2. Let the fireworks begin! Mikey Dunn can stop raising money for Red, White & Boom. I expect there will now be plenty of fireworks each month over on Long Ave. Should be fun to watch Palmer & Ollinger vs Willey!

    1. Won't be on Long Avenue after July 1. Remember they have a new Palace "NorthGate.

  3. And what possible expertise in education do those two new appointees bring?

  4. John is in for a rude awakening. Will find out that much of the budget issues are mandated by MSDE.

  5. Expertise in education is not required. Honesty, common sense and a willingness to oppose intimidation will come in handy, though.

  6. These two are brighter and more well-rounded than most on the sitting board. It is time for real questions to be asked.

  7. I wish the WCBOE would appoint someone to the transportation department that would discipline their bus drivers. A Holloway Transit bus driver gave her young elementary school kids the middle finger last week!

  8. 9:26 is on the right track. Asking the right questions is a good first step. Then they have to keep asking until they get an answer free from misinformation, disinformation and evasion. Stamina is needed.

  9. you cannot have good leaders of anything if they are appointed versus elected. lewis and liarton are the exceptions

  10. Money will be the leader for the BOE , like any company or business.
    Spend , spend ,spend , it's your money , they will spend what they want .

  11. Joe Ollinger was a customer of mine when he was at Data Services. He is very smart, and very capable to sit on the BOE. We need more business savy people like him. I look forward to his involvement. Former teachers are not objective enough for the BOE!

  12. Joe Ollinger will be a great asset to the WCBOE. We need smart, intelligent business savy and common sense people on the board. I hope he addresses many of the issues he listened to when he was running for the County Administrator position.

    I know he had many questions during his campaign such as, Why is Sharptown Fire Department matching a funding grant for Northwestern Elementary School to get air conditioning for the "County's School"? Many other matters have been heard by him and I hope he can make a difference for what matters most, "Our children's educations!!"

  13. Hope new and old board members develop a zero tolerance for adult bullies policy.

  14. At least these people want to do the job....how many of you would sit on the board?

  15. Don't know Mr. Ollinger but I can't imagine what anyone thinks Palmer will bring to the school board. UMES janitor makes good? Good luck with that. I listened to his nonsensical babblings at a couple of County Council meetings regarding the BOE and BMS.
    Sorry folks. Not impressed.

    1. How about 22 years in the Navy, in which he achieved the rank of master chief. So he has some leadership abilities. Or being in charge of his department at umes,so he can run a budget, something the current board seems unable to do. Or maybe raising 6 kids on a military pay. I think he has the qualifications, maybe you judt aren't able to understand common sense.

  16. Anonymous said...
    And what possible expertise in education do those two new appointees bring?

    June 1, 2015 at 7:53 PM

    Who says expertise is needed to be a board member is criteria to be appointed?? The expertise is in making sane decisions.

  17. Anonymous said...
    And what possible expertise in education do those two new appointees bring?

    June 1, 2015 at 7:53 PM

    Ron Willey is that you again?

  18. To bad the governor didn't appoint 3 Republicans.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Don't know Mr. Ollinger but I can't imagine what anyone thinks Palmer will bring to the school board. UMES janitor makes good? Good luck with that. I listened to his nonsensical babblings at a couple of County Council meetings regarding the BOE and BMS.
    Sorry folks. Not impressed.

    June 2, 2015 at 6:08 PM

    I bet this man will outwork you? Is this Ron Willey or John Fredericksen?

  20. Anonymous said...
    John is in for a rude awakening. Will find out that much of the budget issues are mandated by MSDE.

    June 1, 2015 at 8:33 PM

    You are absolutely wrong her Clowntown! I believe these two will put Willey in his place. Just need to get Carolyn Elmore on their side. Mr. Chase is a lost cause and I don't know about Ms. Hudson either. I can guarantee these two won't just go with the flow. Great choice Governor Hogan!!

  21. Poor Mikey Dunn he wanted to get on the Board of Education so he could be the Board President so he can't put his two little pansy fingers together and say "We came this close, this close."

  22. Mike Dunn just wanted to use this as a stepping stone to a bigger position. Funny how he just started showing up to the County Council meetings just in time to submit his name to the Governors office to make it look like he is interested. He wanted to get his name out there. He is doing the Red White and Boom to get name recognition also. Guess what Mike Dunn we didn't want you in the City now we don't want you on the County Board of Education.

    So the Democrat Central Committee submitted Mike Dunn's name over Don Fitzgerald or did Dunn bypass the Central Committee and submit his name like his friend Kim Hudson did?


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