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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Senate approves fast track trade bill

The 'fast track' trade measure sought by President Obama wins final approval in the Senate with a vote of 60-38. 



  1. Better learn Chinese.

  2. Well if the people in Ohio, south Carolina, Kentucky don't remove these three stooges from office they are as dumb as the people who voted Obama in twice.

  3. What really cracks me up is..we were warned by ROSS PEROT. The TPP is the final sucking sound of the last jobs down the drain.I truly believe he was honest man and was threatened with death if He continued to seek the presidency

  4. 832, right on track. This is another chunk on the way to the end of the USA,unless anyone cares to team up and make the Stand.

  5. Print a List of who voted for this crap

  6. Welp if this passes, you best get ready, the shtf is coming. All this stuff is happening for a reason...

  7. I wrote this once before here on SbyNews but I'll repeat it one last time before I sign off from posting here and the other internet forums that I usually comment in. For, I've finally realized that common sense and reason no longer mean a GD thing to those who run this country.

    When 99% of a populace opposes something and their 'representatives' vote in favor of it anyway., your gov't is broken and needs to be changed by any means possible, even force. Your gov't no longer represents you America.

  8. NUTLESS, gutless wonders...All!

  9. not new news 11:41. been crying that for years, now.


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