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Sunday, June 28, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan discloses that he has ‘advanced’ cancer

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan disclosed Monday that he has been diagnosed with “a very advanced and very aggressive” form of cancer.

Hogan (R), who was sworn into office in January, said he would soon begin aggressive chemotherapy treatments, and would rely on Lt. Gov. Boyd Rutherford (R) to fill in for him on state business as needed.

He described the cancer as a lymphoma, and said it had spread through his abdomen and was “pressing up against my spinal column.”



  1. Our Prayers are with you Governor

  2. not a republican here,but he has done a great job so far,prayers go out to him and his familyand hope he beats this.

  3. Maryland finally gets a qualified LEADER, and this happens.

  4. Damn, I will pray for him. He has done so much for us so far and wish nothing but the best for him and his family. May God bless you. map

  5. 86% of Marylanders live in areas classified by the EPA as unsafe to breathe because of smog. Baltimore has among the worst air quality of cities on the East Coast, and 28% of Baltimore school children report having asthma.

    But one of the first things Gov. Hogan did upon taking office was rescind a rule governing air pollution at the state’s coal-fired power plants. The rules had already undergone the required public comment period and were ready to be printed in the state register, but Hogan stopped them.

    1. What in hell does this have to do with the post?

  6. We will be praying.

  7. "Anonymous said...

    Maryland finally gets a qualified LEADER, and this happens.

    June 22, 2015 at 4:36 PM"

    I agree. No one is going to convince me that cancer isn't all about stress coupled with environmental factors and our poor food quality. The more stress you have the more likely it is that you will develop cancer because your immune system can't fight it off due to the stress.
    Governor Hogan has literally been worried about the state of this state for many years now and that's why he founded Change Maryland.
    What's is so inspirational about him is that he doesn't have children and he cares more deeply for the future generations of MD then some who have children do. Larry Hogan is more so a real father than a lot of biological fathers who only want to live for today and totally disregard that their own children will be faced with more of a mess when they are dead and gone.

  8. Prayers to him and the family. Cancer sucks!! This will be a long term fight...please keep praying long after this is not front page news.

  9. I see an excellent opportunity for Ben Carson to step up if it should be necessary. It would create a lot of kudos.

  10. I hear he is going to allow his body's poisoning with chemo-drugs. Very sad. Even a well-connected person can have no valuable information about the criminal cancer profiting industry.

    Build up your immune system!

  11. We are praying for you gov Hogan.

  12. To the naturalist above who believes that will cure him--I suggest you look at Steve Jobs who did that natural BS for 8 month with pancreatic cancer(not the bad one--but the one that is curable if treated early)---The disease will and did kill him

    When you get cancer--go for your natural cure--even though bogus--but leave the rest of us to pursue medical care that has been proven to help if not cure the disease

  13. praying aggressively for our Gov. Hogan and his family.

  14. Hope you win this battle.

  15. We're praying, Larry. And, yes, your odds are great! God has blessed you, and will continue.

  16. Consider marijuana as a part of your treatment.

  17. Anonymous said...
    I see an excellent opportunity for Ben Carson to step up if it should be necessary. It would create a lot of kudos.

    June 22, 2015 at 6:48 PM

    Ben doesn't even live in Maryland. If anything is to happen, Boyd Rutherford will move up.

  18. Maryland loves you Larry Hogan and we are supporting you every step of the way. Thank you for being so upfront and candid about your upcoming personal battle. Your courage and tenacity makes the world a better place every day! Your have definitely CHANGED MARYLAND for the better.

  19. I came down with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma in 2010. It is a cancer that has always existed and is 100% fatal if untreated. There was no successful treatment for it until 1996 when RCHOP was developed. With this type of cancer, the cells of the immune system go malignant and it has never been understood why. There has never been a case that has been cured any other way than by chemotherapy. The prognosis is as little as 6 months without treatment. Believe what you like, but anyone who peddles the fairytale of alternative therapy is harming people whom may wake up in the morning with a walnut sized tumor in their neck. Get to the Doctor. This disease does not give you the luxury of letting it go.

    I thank God for modern oncology. It's the only reason I'm alive today. Google the leukemia and lymphoma society. Learn something about this disease. It does not get the publicity of other cancers, some of which you can harbor for years in your body. Lymphoma is not one of those. Cancer is a very complicated topic. There are hundreds of different kinds. That is the reason these specialists go to school for 12 plus years. I just can not stomach when oncology is talked about as something that doctors get into to poison people. What sense does that even make?

  20. 4:47, stuff your political crap.

    THIS Democrat is praying for Gov. Hogan. I don't have to agree with him on everything to put his health and well-being first.

    He has, in my opinion, been straight up in trying to do the best for Maryland. I care about the environment, too, but do you think the former Democratic administration raiding the Chesapeake Bay fun was good for the environment? Did you yell about it then?

    Your tasteless and unfeeling comment while this man is battling for his life is why I am a Democrat in name only now. I still believe in those ideals, but am disgusted by partisan hacks like you.

    Fight, Gov. Hogan, fight. May God be with you and all be well.

  21. 11:28, map is the first letters of my first, middle and last name.

  22. 7:34, it was a question and I answered it. map

  23. great strides have been made in the chemotheraputic treatment of this disease. Aggressive rx is what is needed & has a very good track record. He's gonna feel lousey & then some, but it's the way. Praying for you Governor & if I can help in any capacity, I will. We LOVE you!

  24. God bless you and keep you, governor Hogan!

  25. Finally get a great Governor and this happens.

  26. Some good news today. Bone scan is negative for cancer. Chemo starts this week for four days.
    Be tough, Governor. We're in your corner.


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