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Thursday, June 18, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: House OKs Obama trade agenda, bill heads to Senate

The House approves key part of President Obama’s trade agenda after it was initially defeated last week, sending it to the Senate where its fate is uncertain.


  1. Keep all jobs here. No more trading!
    And if he loses ,he will only sign executive order 3000?

  2. The Republicans politicians strongly want this bill.

  3. Ok ladies and gentlemen, there you have it.
    To even the most casual observer it's now obvious that our government is not representing us. It's glaringly, in your face, clear that our House, and the GOP, want to give our country away to corporate powers. And, I'm GD POed about it. If our Congress refuses to represent us, then we have to represent ourselves [read what you like into that]. When 99% of a population opposes something and their government votes for it anyway, your government is broken! Elections DO NOT work, we've just proven that.
    The two party system is in fact a one party system bent on global domination. And, the aye [supporters] voters in the House have just shown you that. Our current government is truly out-of-control and needs be changed.

  4. We're screwed. Both houses just gave our sovereignty to an international, unelected body. Corporations can now sue the Federal government for lost "expected profits." Any law we have that conflicts with what the trade board wants has to be changed. Our borders are going wide open. And since it's a living document, what was agreed today will not be what we have to deal with later. I guess it doesn't matter much the deal is classified...because it's going to be something different next year, anyway.

    I still don't get how they keep this from being called a treaty. As designed, Fast Track doesn't pass the requirements for a treaty ratification.

  5. If this goes though, we will be under the control of the UN laws and regulations... A sovereign nation under control from some made up body to control the world, IE the UN...

    Watch how bad it gets from here on in... You have no clue as to what all this means... it means out schools and laws and judicial system and food system all will be controlled by the UN, and guess what, they want gun control...

    So yes, they will soon come for your guns... they will change our schools and judicial system... If you think that is bad wait until they get to food... Soon, our govt will be able to sell lab made meats, and under the UN will never have to notify you put a label on any meats of whats in it or where it came from and quite frankly, they could use tainted cow meat and sell it under their rules...

    you people are so fucking stupid it is unreal... You rather run your mouth and eat bonbons and stick your face in a tv or phone and you have the gull to claim others who are in the know, and who have done extensive research in which you haven't and in which you know nothing about crazy or some conspiracy guy...

    So what is it called when you are told something, and it comes true, and you can live it, feel it, breathe it and be affected by it? that is real life not some theory...

  6. Wtf Republicans.

  7. We are getting no representation. For those who has been realizing what has been happening the last few years, this proves the Republicans are to spineless to represent us our way and they might as well be DemocRATS. Kick / impeach all of them out with no benefits

  8. 3:36PM
    Who is going to kick them out? Or, impeach them? The government? The very ones who are usurping our power.
    Until the people stand up and 'just say no' they're going to do as the damn well please. It's time for grassroots action. And, as has been said before, "There is no non-violent way to save our nation."

  9. You all do know this is Ross Perot Fault!He did'nt have the balls to stand up to the globalist Satan worshipers who will stop at nothing to enslave us all. The the likely foot in the door by the UN is the death of our sovreignty and it could be considered treason.

  10. I TOLD you --- over and over again.
    You couldn't hear me because you and your sheep buddies were too busy cheering and saying "if you're not doing anything wrong, don't worry".
    These "representative" DO NOT "represent" any of us.
    They take turns being "American" and puffing up the patriotism, but in the end, they represent MONEY and their own place in that bribery, kickback, payoff, and insider trading food chain.
    REPUBLICANS are voting FOR this SECRET deal??? You know, the one that "we, the people" ARE NOT ALLOWED to see?? WTF?!! Jefferson is BEGGING GOD to let him return to take care of these slimy elitist rulers.
    Serfs, and stupid serfs at that, are ALL you are to them. Sent to die in wars they start, and work at minimum wage to make them ever richer.
    You are being sold out EVERY day while they LAUGH at your "USA!! USA!!
    USA!!" chanting every time they cue you.
    Now, "we the people" are not even allowed to know what laws we will have to follow (or else) until they TELL US! "We have to pass it to know what's in it!" --- Nancy Pelosi (who should have been forced to resign after saying that).

    I'm buying every gun and all the ammo I can get.
    It going to get real very soon.
    Since they haven't accused you (yet) of "doing anything wrong" (and they'll decide what's 'wrong', not YOU),
    Keep cheering. They know what's best for you. And you firmly believe that.


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