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Friday, June 05, 2015

Boehner Indicates Support For Withholding State Funding Over Benghazi

House Republicans introduced a State Department spending bill on Tuesday that withholds a significant chunk of funding until State hands over emails related to the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead.

And House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, has indicated he supports the language.

Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee released their fiscal year 2016 funding bill for the department, which would withhold "15 percent of State Department operational funds until requirements related to proper management of Freedom of Information Act and electronic communications are met."

More here


  1. Just a smoke and mirrors show, she will hand over the purged, altered and expunged crap that's left over from the real emails, he will fund the useless and corrupt state department.

  2. I agree with 9:34 Comments....BONER knows the American People are onto him...

    he is trying to CYA= Cover your AZZ

  3. Not that I expect it from a RINO like John Boehner but, this sort of 'pressure' should be placed on EVERY area of non-compliance throughout the federal bureaucracy.


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