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Friday, June 12, 2015

Black Activist Threatens ISIS-Style Terror Attacks

“We’re setting the stage for a terrorist attack in this country. And the group is not going to be ISIS, it’s going to be ‘US-IS,’ us against these unjust law officers and people who continue to allow racism to grow into this city.”


  1. It's as if these people want to self-destruct.

  2. The boy that was dancing around the cop in the foreground was obviously looking for a chance to attack the cop restraining the female perp. That cop had a duty to grab his own gun before the boy had a chance to.

    Just look at the video.

  3. Steve, I don't think he was trying to grab the cops gun that's just the way a monkey acts normally. The statement from the guy in the video is actually very true they are brewing up a revolt and it's coming from higher up then they understand. The very people they idolize are drawing them into a fight they really don't want to be in but are not smart enough to get away from. Lock and load and be ready for whatever comes your way.

  4. When the police told them to leave they should have nothing would have happen.

  5. "U.S. Reps. Keith Ellison and Andre Carson, the only two Muslims in Congress, are calling for a Justice Department investigation into a freedom rally led by former Marine Jon Ritzheimer outside of a Phoenix-area mosque."

    Are these same Congressmen going to demand that the DOJ investigate these terrorist threats against these McKinney Police officers?? Let's see how quick they react to this.

  6. Time for a cleansing it is coming. Smart people will stay far from the fray. I will be close to it I have no choice. Good people will prevail evil never wins in the end. This has become a holy war.

    Some people forget what happens when your really piss white America off. Ask the Japs and the Germans. If we have to kill a couple million to save our country then so be it. The best option for these people is to go home find a job and clean up your neighborhood.


  7. Anonymous said...
    Steve, I don't think he was trying to grab the cops gun that's just the way a monkey acts normally. The statement from the guy in the video is actually very true they are brewing up a revolt and it's coming from higher up then they understand. The very people they idolize are drawing them into a fight they really don't want to be in but are not smart enough to get away from. Lock and load and be ready for whatever comes your way.

    June 13, 2015 at 7:42 AM

    Don't be so damned naive, he was going after that cops gun and he would have used it on him. How do you think they shoot each other? They get an opportunity and they take advantage of it because they aren't programmed to think.

  8. Those that are demeaning the officer, were not there, not aware of surrounding activities, etc. Just another example of utter disrespect for the law. If THEY had just left the area as they were told to do, there would have been no problem. But in todays world THEY just want to push LEOs to the limit or worse shoot or harm them. Never going to change with the complete lack of parental guidance & single mothers w/ no fathers trying to raise multiple kids. Grrrrrrrrrr

  9. Blogger Jack K Richards said...
    Those that are demeaning the officer, were not there, not aware of surrounding activities, etc. Just another example of utter disrespect for the law. If THEY had just left the area as they were told to do, there would have been no problem. But in todays world THEY just want to push LEOs to the limit or worse shoot or harm them. Never going to change with the complete lack of parental guidance & single mothers w/ no fathers trying to raise multiple kids. Grrrrrrrrrr

    June 13, 2015 at 12:36 PM

    oh jack hack hack. this kop was wrong, the white woman who started the fight was wrong. and they both lost theri jobs over it. there is nothing to justify what this kop did, surrounding area, front area, back area or the area between your ears. if they would just own up to what they wrong they have been doing and attempt to correct it we wouldn't have the many, MANY instances of it. good grief.

  10. Black people can't drive their cars, walk down the street, live in their homes, or go to school without being watched, bothered, judged, etc. Do you really truly think they would be able to plan "ISIS style" attacks without every white law enforcement officer descending upon them. Some things aren't even worth saying.


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