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Friday, June 05, 2015

Bill Would End 'Regulation Without Representation'

Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) used his first speech from the Senate floor to press for legislation that would create a panel to review federal rules, calling for an end to “regulation without representation.”

“Our great nation has been bogged down in recent years with what I believe is one of the greatest hindrances to job growth and economic productivity, and that is the overregulation of our citizens,” he said Tuesday.

Rounds introduced the Regulation Sensibility Through Oversight Restoration Resolution, which would create a joint select committee to review new rules, as well as hold hearings on the impact of those already in place and make recommendations on reducing regulatory overreach.

He added that his legislation would “take a giant leap forward in restoring the people’s role in the rule-making process.”

"Unfortunately, the voice of the people in the rule-making process has been cut out and replaced by unelected government bureaucrats who think they know better than the farmer or the scientist or the entrepreneur," he said.

More here


  1. Hope it get's passed....Good one

  2. This has needed to be done for a long, long time. I'd like to think that the rest of the legislative branch and the executive branch will pass this.


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