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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Bill Clinton: ‘You Can’t Have People Walking Around With Guns’

"I used to tell people when we did Bosnia, Kosovo anything like that, you get enough people with weapons around and there will be unattended consequences."

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” former President Bill Clinton told CNN’s Jake Tapper that the Baltimore and Ferguson civil unrest is a result of too many, “people walking around with guns” combined with a lack community trust.

Clinton said, “The Baltimore thing came on the heels of what happened in Ferguson, what happened in New York City and all these other places. And their is a big national movement about whether the lives of young African-American men count.”

“You can’t have people walking around with guns. I used to tell people when we did Bosnia, Kosovo anything like that, you get enough people with weapons around and there will be unattended consequences. People make mistakes People do wrong. Things happen. To hold a community together you got to have a high level of community trust.”



  1. I really don't understand why some people have such a hard time understanding this. If you don't have law and order, lawbreakers will naturally have a tendency to carry guns and use them. If you make a law outlawing guns, lawbreakers will still have guns but law abiding citizens suddenly become lawbreakers if they wish to protect themselves.

  2. Did Clinton really call them "unattended consequences"? What a dope!

  3. Bill Clinton is a democrat. Democrats don't want to have guns so they try to ban all guns to all people. Open carry is viable to fight crime. Shoot back.

  4. ok so how about clinton give up his bodyguards and sercret service detail?

  5. i'm sure clinton said unintended not unattended.

  6. 9:51 I was wondering the same thing. Either Clinton or the original author of this piece is a dope.

    11:10 I tend to agree with you.

  7. BEWARE... ALL CLINTONS THINK ALIKE!! So he speaks for Hillary

  8. the only problem with clinton's statement, and its a big problem, the only people that had guns in the events that precipitated ferguson & baltimore were the police. his statement is entirely meant to lay blame where it can not possibly belong. FAIL! try again DUMBASS!

  9. An "Unattended Consequence" is something that happens after nobody is there.

    I hope I cleared that up for everyone.

  10. I only trust an Armed Community. That is called Community Watch Group.

  11. The unattended consequence may be that we take our government back from the liberal democrat communists that are sinking this country into anarchy. Our founding fathers definitely knew we eventually one day would need the Second Amendment to protect American people from a government like we have today. Things are not good and people are finally starting to fed up with their rights under constant attack by a government that is proven corrupt, dishonest and cowardly. Have we had enough yet??


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