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Monday, June 22, 2015

Ben Carson Only GOP Candidate at Latino Officials' Convention

Ben Carson was the only Republican to accept an invitation to speak to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials annual conference on Wednesday, CNN reports.

Carson spoke for 15 minutes, outlining his plan to secure the border and implement a guest worker program for the 11 million illegal immigrants currently inside the United States.

"As a compassionate nation we should ask what can we do to help people in nations that feel they don't have an opportunity in their nation," Carson said. "We need to be looking at ways that we can share the wealth and still maintain our borders and integrity."

Carson told the group his reason for wanting the borders sealed isn't to keep out Hispanics, but to protect against terrorism.

NALEO Executive Director Arturo Vargas welcomed Carson, telling CNN, "The next president of the United States will be elected by the Latino community."



  1. Let hope not! (Statement by Arturo Vargas)

  2. I think they will have a huge influence that's why Clinton is giving them everything.

  3. Ben Carson is a good man and a smart man. I really hope he goes far in this race for the white house.


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