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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Baltimore Sheriff Candidate: ‘White People Should Shut The F*ck Up, You’re The Most Violent People on the Planet’

A man running for Baltimore County sheriff on an “anti-police brutality platform” raised some eyebrows with his recent comments, saying, “white people should just shut the f*ck up” because they’re “the most violent people on the planet.”

The comments were made while he ranted about the Ray Rice case, arguing that the running back’s wife was the one at fault.

“Women want equality, she got some of it,” Wiggins wrote. “There are only white Jew women on this thread telling me what black women think… When you whites, particularly you Jews, stop killing women in the Middle East with your dual citizenship, then come talk to me about protecting women’s rights.”

On his website, Wiggins also accuses white Baltimore Police of “assassinating” black men.

“The murders of Black men are continuing with ‘no motive,’ ‘no suspects’,” he writes in his “Baltimore Genocide Report.” “PBD are engaging in random assassinations.”



  1. Sorry dirtbag - you got this bass-ackwards.

    Some of the most uncivil, unfriendly, in-your-face people are not white!

  2. Was this dude on drugs??

  3. Wow! Stay away from Baltimore

  4. Obama's next Attorney General!

  5. Is this guy for real??? Talking about scumbags. He should not be elected just for the principle of pretending to being a human being. He is to full of hate. I can not imagine no race electing him including his own. He needs to look at his own race being uncivil. They are killing each other everyday. This has got to be a joke.

  6. meanwhile we have no secession movement to speak of .. Too bad for the Orioles these miscreants are ruining a good thing

  7. Safe to say his name is being typed a lot in homeland security and FBI. Lol.

  8. We are indeed violent just as he says,but we combine intellect with our violence because we use strategy vs the kneejerk reaction, where the other side gets so angry so quick that they strike without thinking.As long as their actions are telegraphed pre execution we'll be just fine.Our parents taught most of us to think before we act.

  9. he will win in a landslide

  10. lmao, yeah right that's why africa is one complete turd world country, cause they all live according to the good book and treat their fellow human beings with such dignity. No need for violence coming out of our ghettos either cause they are all honor students seeking to fulfill their greater destiny!

  11. They have the NAACP what do you think would happen if we created the NAAWP ????

  12. he's only running to make the other democrat candidate look more appealing...

  13. Black people are oppressing Whites.

  14. Hmmm you think he's a Democrat?

  15. Every continent white people have step their foot on has created nothing but havoc. I agree with this man. But, he should have kept those comments to himself.

  16. How interesting, coming from a man whose race has been given over a TRILLION dollars in free housing, free medical care, free electric, free child care, free education, and free food. Paid for by a population that is overwhelmingly WHITE.
    "Thank you" would have been more appropriate.

  17. Is he even a cop? What's his creds? I can see it happening. We elected a racist profiler as a sheriff and all he wants to do is play TV star.

  18. He did not win and he is not a democrat either.....well at least he ran as a republican.

  19. Don't have to be a cop to be a sheriff.

  20. If this clown EVER gets elected than turn-off the lights, lock the door, and get the hell out of town. However I don't think the voters have evolved to that degree of ignorance and stupidity to EVER elect suck a racist, bigot, and loser. Everytime he speaks he hurts his chances; so let the idot speak.

  21. 3:18....obama got elected. TWICE. So don't ever let the stupidity of voters be underestimated.

  22. I got bad news for you guys. He will probably get it.

  23. If that were true explain why so many black on black crimes?????? Splain that Lucy....


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