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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Baltimore police report 14 shot in city since Sunday night

BALTIMORE (AP) — Police in Baltimore report that 14 people have been shot in the city since Sunday night.

Police announced Tuesday that that four people were shot in a two-hour span overnight. That comes after a string of eight shootings around the city starting Sunday night, including two double shootings about a half hour apart on Monday evening. Earlier Sunday, two men were killed in separate incidents.

Police reported that at least two victims were in grave condition, but others did not appear to have life-threatening injuries.



  1. Black lives matter. But only if the libtards say so these 14 not so much.

  2. How is that gun ban working omalley!

  3. At this rate will all the looters and burners be gone in a year ???

  4. Trophy hunting for the rich.What better place than Baltimore or Chicago?

  5. I have said it before....This is false news. Everyone knows that hang guns are banned in Maryland.

  6. But Black Lives Matter. The ONLY thing that matters to them are black LIES and this basic lack of a moral pillar is exactly why they have no problem killing or trying to kill each other.
    The only thing blacks have to fear are other blacks and as soon as they accept this fact they will start to progress as a race.
    The first step in recovery is always admitting what you don't want to admit.

  7. The Mayor and States Attorney are responsible for this. Police officers are doing what they were told to do and that is to stand down.

  8. The residents didn't want the police being proactive so this is the result. I don't see any of them complaining as it's apparent they prefer to live in lawlessness. Even if a child gets shot in a drive by so be it-it's well worth it to them because at least the police aren't "harassing" them.

  9. Though I don't like the mayor I actually defended SRB over the room to destroy comment. It was taken out of context because what she really said was in her goal to give people the space to protest it also gave those who wished to destroy space to do so.
    And then I was actually proud of her when she called the thugs thugs.
    that was short lived because in typical democrat slave woman fashion her masters got to her and she backtracked on the thug descriptive.
    What is with these democrat women. They always allow themselves to be dragged around by their noses by men no less!
    Democrat woman need to really be looking at and emulating the GOP women on how to be strong independent women instead of just slaves to men.

  10. 14 shot in the city since Sunday night. Better call the cops because I'm sure the dormat statues did it!!!!


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