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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Baltimore police officers turn to media to tell their side

BALTIMORE —As the homicide rate continues to rise in Baltimore City, some are questioning efforts by police officers, and some of those officers are turning to local and national media to tell their side of the story.

It is a blue protest over arrests made in the death of Freddie Gray, and it's sanctioned by the union. Officers are on the job, but by their own admission, they're reactive, not proactive.

The mayor publicly backed the police commissioner and the Police Department on Wednesday. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said officers are sworn to serve and protect, and she takes exception to the perception they're not doing that.

"I think we have to be careful when we say things or to suggest things that these officers are ignoring that oath," Rawlings-Blake said.



  1. SHE wants to talk about "oaths"???

  2. I am pretty sure she swore an oath when she became Mayor. So how about you remember your job? I do not believe allowing looters to destroy the city was in the job description....but maybe that has changed with all the liberal minded folks in charge.

  3. police should stand back, collect your paychecks, and watch em kill each other

  4. Love all the comments so far.

  5. The mayor is nuts! Now she says we have to be careful when we say things or suggest the police aren't doing their jobs! What a nut!!

    Was she careful when she said give the thugs room to loot and riot??? Hell no. At her core she is black and her actions support her race only and it comes out at times like these. Mosby is the same way. These two birds have exactly the same feathering. The only people they care about is themselves and the black communities better start wising up, and realizing there are good, decent black people who want to serve honorably and represent their neighborhoods honorably. These two only want to foster higher paying political jobs for themselves. Wait, watch and see for yourselves.

    Frankly, I find it hard to believe the governor hasn't admonished both of them for their actions to date.

    1. He can't Potus would be all over him

  6. Baltimore City State's Attorney Marylin Mosby took issue with the police union's claim, saying, "That's absurd. We work with police all the time to get violent offenders off the street."

    Kops will say and do ANYTHING to get off the hook and not accept responsibility. If you can't do the job without being scared for you safety, ALL OF THE TIME, and killing unarmed people, animals, kids, babies, get a new job.

    Pretty simple really. Even a kop should be able to understand that.


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