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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Baltimore is awesome


  1. You need to remove the "some" from the title and replace it with "FUL"

  2. Wind blown trash

  3. you keep looking at the symptoms but neglect the disease. they are not doing this crap just for the heck of it. there are reasons behind it. Right, wrong or indifferent you have to remember what preceded this 'riot' to make it occur.

    1. Nobody dares say what the "reason" is, so I will.

      Based on the fact there are many thousands of good, hard working black people out there who have the morals and integrity to abhor this type of behavior, and black kids who get up and go to school every day without disrupting classes or acting out violently, who sit in their seat and take advantage of the free education they are given, and go on to college and jobs without ever having negative contact with police...

      The problem are the black parents who fail to teach them right from wrong.

      Yes, I said it.

      Many if not most of the screeching howling "activists" are utterly failing at producing productive, employable offspring.

  4. Worthless THUGS, trash of the earth

  5. The democrats built these units....

  6. we jus havn fun messin wit da cops f em

  7. Looks like Greece & UK.

  8. 10,000 protested peacefully, no one cared or listen. 300 riot, & the world woke up! King marched peacefully, no one listen. The riots of the 60s, the images of police hosing black kids, & other violent acts televised is the reason for the change. Kings death, Kennedy death, and fear of major revolution. Keep reading dreamy textbooks & media propaganda. Change only comes with revolution. Greece, britian, & other European countries are just a violent. Are they not thugs?

  9. Let the dogs out!!!!

  10. Baltimore, you're on my mind. But not on my travel plans.

  11. And those dumb Fks like the Mayor and Hogan want to take away Confederate Monuments, rename parks and ban the Battle Flag on state license plates. These idiot have already forgotten what the real problem is and it isn't a Confederate Battle flag.

    Larry Hogan you better change your thoughts on those plates or you are going to have a tough time getting re-elected.

    The Democrats are the problem, not the Confederacy.

  12. Parental failure.
    Poor breeding.
    Lack of morals.
    r-selected - excessive clutch size:minimal parental investment
    Heritable predisposition for violence.
    Lack of values compatible with civilized society.
    Submedian cognitive capacity.
    Lack of enforced accountability.
    Lack of respect for authority.
    Lack of respect for other's rights or property.
    Malignant and unjustified contempt for white people.
    Lack of humility.
    Lack of discipline.
    Hyper-inflated self esteem.
    Exaggerated sense of self-importance.
    Aggressive self-entitlement.
    Lack of self control.
    Excessive positive re-inforcement for trivial accomplishments.
    Media saturation of black subculture.
    Cultural acceptance and glorification of criminality.

    And these are just examples of the factors that permit them to joyfully throw down the facade of domestication, and revert to unfocused simian violence and predatory behaviors without care for consequence to themselves or others.

    Address those factors within your own communities, stop making excuses and blaming others. And stop expecting us to fix your self created problems.


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