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Monday, June 22, 2015

An Open Letter To Black Americans About The Mass Murder In Charleston

The mass murder of nine innocent black Americans attending a Bible study in a Charleston church by a drug-addled, racist, terrorist thug was as close to universally condemned as anything can be in a country like America. Expressions of sorrow over what happened and loathing for the killer are everywhere. Moreover, the shooter was quickly apprehended and the governor of South Carolina has already called for the death penalty. Hopefully, she’ll get her wish.

Supposedly, the shooter had the same lunatic dream as Charles Manson did back in 1969: he was hoping to start a race war.

That won’t work any better today than it did back in the sixties.

However, what this evil piece of human debris did manage to do is sow a little more hatred and division between Americans. There are already enough people doing that.

We always have ghouls who gleefully try to exploit every tragedy for their own political ends and there are more of them than ever before. They’re trying to tie this into their campaigns against police, trying to whip up voter registration, trying to convince black Americans that white people in general and conservative whites in particular hate their guts.

It would be nice to just shrug that off, but it has become so easy for people to talk past each other in today’s social-media-driven environment where every molehill is blown up and repeated and intensified until it’s made to look like a mountain. So, I want to try to cut through the clutter.

I think of myself as a typical white Tea Party conservative. I’m pro-cop, tough on crime, anti-Affirmative Action and I can’t stand Obama. In fact, if you put pretty much any black liberal (or for that matter, any liberal) and me in a room, we probably wouldn’t agree on ANYTHING political.

There are liberals who will tell you all day long that people like me are racist, that we hate black Americans and we secretly send “dog whistles” to each other about it all day long. If you believe them, you’d think people like me don’t care about black Americans at best and want to see them suffer at worst.

Now, here’s the truth about me and people like me.



  1. Excellent letter. Many of us feel the same.

  2. So he speaks for all whites? He keeps saying we. How do y'all feel?

  3. People like him are people like me.

  4. He pretty much sums it up, in my opinion...but it's still going to take a lot of work and good behavior on their part before they earn any credibility or respect from me. I don't hate anyone, let alone for some silly reason such as the color of their skin.

    But I have no use for the degraded, degenerate subculture of violence, vulgarity, and parasitism too many of them have embraced and glorified.


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