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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

American Islamic Backlash Simmers

This weekend, a protest by anti-Muslim demonstrators with military-style weapons and an in-flight disagreement over a can of Diet Coke provided fresh evidence of a mounting Islamic backlash in America.

High-profile incidents have become familiar in recent months, with an outpouring of anti-Islamic sentiment on social media after the release of the surprise hit film "American Sniper," and a protest against an annual Muslim day of outreach at the Texas Legislature. A Mohammed cartoon drawing contest in Garland, Texas, last month, even provoked a failed terrorist attack.

Polls suggest that these flashpoints come from a decisive and growing split in how Americans see Islam. The current backlash is largely among conservatives, and it appears to reflect not just a fear of terrorist attack but also a deeper conviction that the tenets of Islam fundamentally prevent it from living peaceably with the modern world. The result has been a hardening of rhetoric.

Friday's protests were a response to last month's attack in Garland. About 250 demonstrators – many of them armed, some wearing T-shirts with profane anti-Muslim messages – gathered outside the Phoenix mosque where the shooters in the attack had worshipped. The organizer called himself a patriot standing up against the perceived tyranny of Islam.

Meanwhile on Sunday, social media was humming with the story of a Muslim scholar who had been denied a can of soda on a United Airlines flight because the attendant said it could be used as a weapon – though others on the flight had received cans, the scholar said. A fellow passenger also told the scholar: "yes you know you would use it as a WEAPON, so shut the **** up," she added on her Facebook page.



  1. Very good. It's way overdue.

  2. Get ready folks...we are on the precipice of the next American Revolution. You think the Germans were rough on the Jews? Wait til they see what we do to the freakin' Haji's

  3. 8:23 Except that we will not lose our humanity, which is the very core to which we cling, as our country is deliberately overrun and infiltrated.

    The Islamists have much in common with the nazis; in fact they collaborated with them extensively during WW2. Their mutual hated of Jews led to an ideological dialogue between the caIiphate and the Third Reich.

    We must never forget the horrors of the holocaust nor the politico-ideological machinations that paved the way. Yet the Islamists are following the nazi blueprint of extermination, and no one seems to care.

  4. Here we go...the hand wringing moralistics that hide under the houses while the rest of us get our hands dirty getting the job done. You people are worthless. You hide behind your ideals to camouflage your cowardice. In order to defeat a monster like the haji's you must become a monster.

  5. Can't wait for open season!

    They don't care - they'll try to kill us whenever and wherever...we're being held back! That won't last much longer!


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