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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Alveda King: GOP Helps Minorities, Democrats Give Only Talk

Jeb Bush officially entered the GOP presidential field on Monday with an appeal to minority voters, and civil rights activist Alveda King says they should give Republicans a chance.

Appearing Monday on Fox News Channel's "Your World with Neil Cavuto," the niece of Martin Luther King Jr. said the African-American community cares about "kitchen table issues," such as paying the bills and educating children.

"Any candidate that wants to be the president of the United States must know that African-Americans have children, African-Americans have family, African-Americans need jobs," she said. "We need the same thing. We want safety and security. We don't want our country threatened by terrorists."

Those issues aren't related to skin color, King said, and anyone running for president should make note of it.

Democrats don't have policies, so they appeal to emotions, King said, while Republicans bring opportunity and access.

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  1. She got it, why can't the rest get on board with her??? A great deal of wisdom behind her words.

  2. She's absolutely right.

  3. Finally someone who gets it. What a class lady.

  4. Ms. King is onboard for what needs to happen in this country. Her uncle, Martin Luther King WAS a Republican looking for betterment of ALL people.
    The Democrats have never liked that idea. They have kept people of color dependent on government handouts, making them entitlement slaves. Now they don't like the word slave, slavery, or any form of these words. What they don't understand is they are being used by the Democrats. They are not well educated, because they do not have a family foundation.
    Don't get me wrong, there are many that have had a family foundation. They have set a wonderful example for their children, grandchildren, and those around them. They have sacrificed to educate their children, put a roof over their head, and feed and clothe them, without aid from the government! I applaud these that have made a difference by sacrificing, by humbling themselves, by encouraging, and having compassion.
    I just don't understand how so many lose sight of doing what is best, what is right.
    Mind you, this is needed throughout this country whether white, black, yellow, blue or green.


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