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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Viewer Writes: State Government Corruption

So, you're a supervisor at a state funded agency tasked with hiring a subordinate for a position in your department.You advertise the position for 30 days as required, accept applications, review resume's, conduct interviews with a hiring committee and select the best candidate for the job. Right? Joe Taxpayer would think so.
UNLESS, you're a supervisor with a plan to hire the secret lover you met at a work conference in your hometown halfway across the country!
Step one, you review the resume's and toss the 9 best candidates leaving them completely disenfranchised.
Step two, conduct hiring committee interviews with the three worst candidates and your secret lover thus insuring your secret lover is hired unanimously by the committee and no one is the wiser.
Step three, a few weeks later you tell your director (the one you just bamboozled) you are dating your subordinate and have him removed from your department, then ask your husband for a divorce, marry your not so secret lover and work together happily ever after in complete contempt for all ethical or professional standards with the approval of the director.
Yes folks! Right here on the Eastern shore.


  1. Sounds like the Town of Ocean City.

  2. and the problem is? the husband is probably alot better off!

  3. Shore covers a large area......so if you want shoremen to find your gossip believable, you need to present proof....such as agency , names of those involved and location...otherwise you sound like a person who was not picked for the job.

  4. Who. ? Spill it!

  5. As a Retired State Employee, I can vouch that this happens in all MD State Agencies. The same way as Minority Quotas, nepotism, favoritism, promotions of buddies instead of qualifications. Yes there are paper trails that every one of Authority tries to destroy before it gets out that the facts still exist. This has been going on for years / decades. This is old news. If you can't see it, you are blinder than a bat.

  6. Board of Ed same thing.

  7. I tried it but she didn't leave her husband I got totally screwed over. Should I tell her husband??

    1. Yes go to him personally. You will feel better. I did the same thing and the guy knew.

  8. Eastern Shore regional library?

  9. I believe it. Sounds like where I used to work. There was more than one person hired there because of who they knew. People were misusing comp time, work from home privileges, watching movies on their PC's, playing games on Facebook, chatting to pass time away. Ohh I could go on and on. When I was hired, I was told there was a dress code, that we were representing a great program, paid for thru the state. When I left, employees were wearing things that certainly were not "Professional". I didn't really realize how wrong this was until I was away from the situation. This is hard working tax payers money, being used. It breaks my heart to see people homeless, kids hungry, meals on wheels being discontinued possibly, and these people making the big bucks doing pretty much doing what they want. It's totally wrong. Hopefully someone in the government will wake up and look into all this. Unfortunately, I was also lied to. I was told "we are moving" but you will have a job, I promise you. Two weeks later, I am told to pack my things and leave.


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