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Thursday, June 25, 2015

A surgical team mocks a sedated patient — and it’s all recorded

Sitting in his surgical gown inside a large medical suite in Reston, Va., a Vienna man prepared for his colonoscopy by pressing record on his smartphone, to capture the instructions his doctor would give him after the procedure.

But as soon as he pressed play on his way home, he was shocked out of his anesthesia-induced stupor: He found that he had recorded the entire examination and that the surgical team had mocked and insulted him as soon as he drifted off to sleep.

In addition to their vicious commentary, the doctors discussed avoiding the man after the colonoscopy, instructing an assistant to lie to him, and then placed a false diagnosis on his chart.

“After five minutes of talking to you in pre-op,” the anesthesiologist told the sedated patient, “I wanted to punch you in the face and man you up a little bit,” she was recorded saying.



  1. Wowwwwww! That was hard to listen to. Hope she loses her license over the fake diagnosis.

  2. Was the man hurt... No his pansie little feelings got hurt that's it. Now because of this guy being paranoid and recording everything this girl has lost her career. If he was worried about post opp instructions they write them down. No need to secretly record. This guy does need a punch in the beans

  3. I will bet a week's salary that the patient was a liberal pansy.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Was the man hurt... No his pansie little feelings got hurt that's it. Now because of this guy being paranoid and recording everything this girl has lost her career. If he was worried about post opp instructions they write them down. No need to secretly record. This guy does need a punch in the beans

    June 25, 2015 at 1:44 PM

    Pansie? It's pansy genius. There are some things in this world you obviously know nothing about, such as professionalism, respect, trust, just to name a few.

    I don't know who hurt you in your miserable life but you need to get some therapy from a professional, not from a blog. I would suggest you seek some ASAP.

  5. it wasn't an accidental recording. why is he not charged for the crime of recording someone illegally?

  6. It amazes me that you people are defending this arrogant physician. If this is who she is, she should be exposed for it and let her patients decide if they want to continue under her care.


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