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Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Message From Wicomico County Councilman Marc Kilmer

I read an article in the Daily Times today that "The county’s budget did not include a requested one-time $800,000...
Posted by Marc Kilmer, Wicomico County Council on Wednesday, June 10, 2015


  1. Thanks for the info Mr Kilmer..but Lets get things moving on a elected BOE.. classroom instruction not a priority? Does not surprise me

  2. Mr. Kilmer seems to be saying the board of ed. misled the public in order to make itself appear to be a victim of the funding agency. Who can produce copies of what was actually asked for? Maybe we can end this deception with the cleansing light of truth. Saying the council refused money for reading intervention teachers seems deliberately untrue; the county didn't fund portables and other stuff which would have freed up money for the board to spend on reading seems more the truth.

  3. Typical. Mr. Willey has always used the statement (poor pitiful me statement) "It's for the children".

    Total deceit and lies and we are all tired of it!! Typical for Willey and Frederickson.

  4. Why can't they re-use portables from Bennett Middle that will be torn down because of the failure of the BOE to re-use that school for their offices??

    These thieves just never stop begging and adding on more for the good ole taxpayer to pony up. There has to be a permanent stop to this. The BOE has already signaled to everyone classroom instruction is not a priority.

    And stop with the sickening speeches it's for the children, that's a load of crap and we all know it!

  5. Anonymous said...
    Mr. Kilmer seems to be saying the board of ed. misled the public in order to make itself appear to be a victim of the funding agency. Who can produce copies of what was actually asked for? Maybe we can end this deception with the cleansing light of truth. Saying the council refused money for reading intervention teachers seems deliberately untrue; the county didn't fund portables and other stuff which would have freed up money for the board to spend on reading seems more the truth.

    June 10, 2015 at 5:16 PM

    Who cares what was asked for. They got their budget funded by the County, the state and other revenue sources more than you can imagine. If it's such a priority to the BOE then make it work with the budget alloted. Give up some of those take home cars, give up some of those other social programs, do furloughs, forgo your pay raises. Quit trying to make the county council and the tax payers look guilty of cheating the school system.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Typical. Mr. Willey has always used the statement (poor pitiful me statement) "It's for the children".

    Total deceit and lies and we are all tired of it!! Typical for Willey and Frederickson.

    June 10, 2015 at 5:25 PM


  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why can't they re-use portables from Bennett Middle that will be torn down because of the failure of the BOE to re-use that school for their offices??

    These thieves just never stop begging and adding on more for the good ole taxpayer to pony up. There has to be a permanent stop to this. The BOE has already signaled to everyone classroom instruction is not a priority.

    And stop with the sickening speeches it's for the children, that's a load of crap and we all know it!

    June 10, 2015 at 5:38 PM

    John Fredericksen makes $180,000 per year and he was quick to take his pay raise.

  8. Remember when Mr. Culver tried to find cost effective options for West Salisbury. The big news was that he hadn't told the Board President, he hadn't told the Board President, he hadn't told the Board President. Notice it didn't say he hadn't told the Superintendent.

  9. This deceptive "group" is sounding more and more like the Obama Administration. So sad we fed lies continually. Truth, what a concept.

  10. This is business as usual for the boe. The elected school board would be a great start. I am glad to have a county council that sees through this crap. they get a huge part of the budget and a lot of it is mandated to be funded. I say never give them extra funding. Seems to me had they stayed put on glen ave part of these requests could have been funded with the savings in rent. If they can pull that out of the operating budget and not miss a beat then they need to go pound sand and get no more money. It has not been about the children in a long time. Half of this county is on welfare and does not have a support structure at home. We can keep throwing money at a problem that will never be fixed until we addresss the underlying causes. This is a reality that we must addresss.

  11. The BOE has a tendency to urinate on us and tell us its raining for the kids crap. You guys are pathetic. Who's pocket is padded by that contract? Baby mamas still spiting out little bastards and you worry about feeding them! and teaching them to read? Hell they don't even want to be educated. I pay taxes and my kids don't even get a freaking text book to bring home. pathetic waste of limited resources
    I bet no deductions on their EBT cards? So I'm being double taxed? You guys better get your heads out yours asses and clean house at the BOE

  12. Federal and state money and almost all grants go for kids who won't learn or behave. A huge percentage of local money does too. Maybe do something for the kids who behave and will actually become taxpayers.

  13. the elected Worcester County school board is a useless prop - I hope you get better, Wicomico County

  14. I heard that Willey has "stepped down" as president of the WCBOE. Any info on that? Does "stepped down" mean resigned or just moving to a regular BOE member?

  15. Mr.Kilmer stop trying to play at being a conservative, maybe you should have supported along with Bob Culver and Joe Hollaway to remodel Bennett Middle. You proved very quickly what a liberal you really are. Furthermore you were a big supporter to have an elected school board, I watch every council meeting and you have failed to address this also.

  16. 8:33 Willey agreed last year to perform as President for another year. That year is up and he wants to return to being a board member only.


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