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Tuesday, June 09, 2015

5 Things Americans Should Still Be Ashamed Of Doing

16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. — Proverbs 6:16-19

The only time most people hear the word “shame” in any setting these days is when someone tells them, “You don’t have to be ashamed.” Unfortunately, in a society full of reality TV shows, overhyped marketing, and millions of people competing for attention on the Internet, we could use more shame, not less. The fact of the matter is that shame can be a very healthy emotion if you’ve done something shameful. Shouldn’t rapists feel shame? How about the Westboro Baptist Church members who’ve protested at funerals? What if you stole a poor kid’s lunch and it was the only thing he had to eat that day? There are times when shame is very appropriate.

Unfortunately, in an interconnected world where every malcontent, misfit, and misanthrope on the planet can get together via the Internet, there is no perversion, sickness, or cruelty that human beings can do to each other that won’t be heartily applauded in some dark corner of the web. Over a decade ago talented liberal humorist Zack Parsons (who would undoubtedly hate this column) wrote an extraordinary piece about how the net helps encourage shameful and weird behavior.

…I’ve talked about how the Internet enables pedophiles, furries, and others to congregate and share ideas, but I only briefly touched on the most important aspect of this. In the endless expanse of communications the Internet is, probably the greatest and most terrible gift it offers to furries, pedophiles, and others, is the ability to shut themselves off from the mainstream. They huddle in cloisters that are virtually unassailable by the outside world and whisper encouraging things to one another that would be nearly impossible to say in real life. Free from the pressures of society to conform to a boring standard they go in the exact opposite direction, externalizing things that are roughly as far from “normal” as can be expected. Then, within their protected virtual enclaves, they declare these things to be the norm. By declaring their perversions, mores, and general imbecility to be their own status quo they have simultaneously validated their own existence and demonstrated the inferiority of outsiders.

A sense of belonging and community is disturbing and sad in the hands of furries and downright dangerous in the hands of pedophiles. Nonetheless, this is what the Internet has given to these groups, and it can be both a peril to the members and, in the case of menaces like pedophiles, a peril to the rest of us….

Unfortunately, the Internet isn’t Vegas and what happens here, doesn’t stay here. The mentality spawned by the Internet has infected our whole culture like a virus. No matter what sort of stupidity or evil that people engage in, they’ll find legions of supporters telling them how wonderful it is or at least saying, “Judge not, lest ye judge.” Well, we may not be in a position to judge whether someone is going to heaven or not, but a society where people no longer feel shame for bad behavior is destined to take a long, inglorious spiral into a sewer — sort of like Miley Cyrus’s career.

1) Acting Like A Skank In Public: Speaking of Miley Cyrus, remember when she was the wholesome, kid-friendly Hannah Montana? Well, as she aged out of the Disney demographic, the music executives promoting her decided she needed to change her image and the easiest way to do it was to act like the world’s biggest skank in public. So, she twerked her way through a nasty performance at the VMAs and has been skanking it up ever since. She’s not the first to do it or even the best at it. Madonna beat her to the punch. But from Miley Cyrus’s perspective, the important thing is that it worked. She broke with her wholesome image and became a bigger star. But, at what cost to her and to other people? How many little girls who were Hannah Montana fans now think it’s cool to act like a prostitute in public to get the attention of boys? Nobody is saying women should wear ankle length skirts and always be prim and proper to be decent (Well, I’m certainly not saying it anyway), but if you act like a skank, men will view you as a skank and treat you as a skank. Even if you’re not ashamed of that, the people who raised you probably are and they should be.


  1. This is what all the turmoil and black on black killings in Baltimore and other inner cities is all about. God's punishment.
    Too many liars-hands up and shot in the back lying tongues.
    Too many false witness lying "pastors" saying thugs are in Heaven. No the thugs, drug dealers and killers are in hell where all the false witnesses are going and those who make excuses for the thugs. They are in hell and it's time to accept that and get straight with God and stop the lies otherwise the punishment will continue.
    Unfortunately children are being killed and the evilness that are these people could care less and keep on with their lying tongues without a bit of shame. God is so angry with them.

  2. Well said....all of it!!!!!!!!!

  3. Be ashamed of being on the dole - and make others ashamed of being on it. If the grocery stores limited EBT / Food Stamp transactions to one or two cash registers, the remainder of the public would be able to actually see the impact of these programs - and who is on them! The rest of us would be able to get out of the grocery stores quicker!

    Years ago, when I was a young Marine with two kids, we were on food stamps, WIC and the housing program. The sales clerk had to get management approval for our coupon redemption - it was embarrassing. I worked my butt off to get promoted - and then made enough money to get off of those programs.

    With today's Political-Correctness environment, that shame is hidden - or converted in to pride in being able to scam the government!

  4. Also....so many divorces. The only biblical reason for divorce is adultery. There is no shame in divorce anymore. Families are being ripped apart for pure selfishness.

  5. Shame comes from an inner sense of right and wrong, which has nearly been eliminated in our society of politically-correct utopia dreamers.

    They have struggled for decades to get control of children from the earliest age in order to 'prevent them from being brainwashed' by those who still hold to moral absolutes.

    Well, take a look around. One would have to be a total idiot to think that plan has actually had a good result.

    The actual brainwashing has been done by the liberal left, and at least two generations are now victims of it. Their inner compass has been jammed, and they see little beyond an overwhelming urge toward self-gratification.

    God help them.

  6. Don't forget eating crabs is an abomination too.

    Because Leviticus said so.


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