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Saturday, May 09, 2015

UPDATED:Worcester County Sheriff's Office Warns About A FaceBook Post

Folks, we want to warn you about a FaceBook post going around in honor of Mother's Day. Participants are putting their children's names, due dates, birthdates etc, on their page. We warn you that putting this information on your page could lead to Child Identity theft which is on the rise. You have essentially given anyone that views this information a free ticket to create false accounts in your children's name. We would simply suggest that you go back to your post and edit or delete it. Although most of us have our privacy settings set to only friends, remember that the internet is full of programs that can defeat a simple privacy setting. We do not wish to see you or your child become a victim of identity theft or worse. Although the intention of the FaceBook post is to honor the mothers, which we all recognize are the most important people in our lives, we now live in a digital world that allows criminals to steal your information. We are now suggesting when doing credit checks on yourselves, you also check your children's names as well. Many parents are surprised by the results. If you feel you have been a victim, please contact the three Credit Bureaus and your local police department.

UPDATE: More Information from Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Yesterdays post has generated a ton of comments and shares. The point of the post was to simply warn you that sharing certain information on your page can be dangerous. Social Media is an excellent tool for both the public and law enforcement. What most people do not know is that the moment you type your child's name and date of birth on your page, you have created a digital footprint that remains with your child forever. The moment you upload your child's pic and someone tags your child, you have created a digital footprint. Have you recently uploaded a photo and the application automatically recognizes the face and places the name under it? Do you own that photograph after its uploaded to Facebook? Technology is a great thing. However, we must do what we can to protect our children. Child Identity theft is on the rise. Can that information be obtained by local papers? Absolutely. Our point is simply to inform you of potential harm and hope that you take steps to protect your children and yourselves. But above all else, going back to the original post, We want to wish all of our mothers a Happy and Wonderful Mothers Day. We Love all of you. 


  1. Thank you for making what seems so innocent, information that we may not just think of due to the surrounding reason (Mothers Day)to our attentions. Our Local Depts at work I love my county and respect the ones trying to protect our children. Thanks Again for keeping your eyes and ears open.

  2. Thank you for that Facebook because as a teen I have been through it and I don't want no child to suffer the way I did. WARNING FOR PARENTS: Never join MyLife.com
    because they exposed my info even when they said they'd keep it safe with high security! Never let a child/teen get on this Site!

  3. Thank you so much for this info it will come in good hands & I will share this for others to see as well..

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this info it surely shows how people will do anything to reuin someone so I am going to share this so this message will get out.


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