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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Wor. teacher salaries, in-depth

The contention that a Worcester County teacher, whose pay increase has been delayed for the past three years, could make more by relocating to a neighboring county and being assigned the appropriate pay grade is true. Sometimes.

The clearer answer is that the school systems in the lower shore counties do not employ a one-size-fits-all salary schedule, so the financial impact of a teacher’s move to another school district depends on a multitude of factors.

Base salaries for Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset and Dorchester counties are all published online, but that base is just the foundation on which additional credentials, certifications and longevity can be applied.



  1. Funny how the Wicomico BOE and and staff just told the Wicomico County Council that they are losing teachers to these Counties. LMAO. Always using threats and scare tactics to get more money out of the County Council.

  2. As I have posted before if they think they can make more money elsewhere than go someplace else. There will be someone just as good ready to take your place. No one is indispensable.

    1. Intelligent comment. You're part of the problem.

  3. This happens all over the country. Different school districts pay differently and it is usually tied to the wealth of the residents of that district. Areas with multi million dollar homes typically have more money. Inner cities and rural areas not so much.


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