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Saturday, May 16, 2015

What's Wrong With This Delmar Picture?


  1. Looks like the SUV was parked on the wrong side of the street. The cop saw it and pulled in front with lights on to alert incoming traffic. I guess he could have waisted a little time, gone ahead, made a u-turn and come back parked in the correct direction.

  2. RT 54 cars parked in no parking.

  3. It's the new 2 lane one way street with no lane changes allowed due to the yellow lines.

  4. i believe it's called parking left wheel to the curb...in this case the cars had to cross the center line and travel the wrong way in that lane in order to do that and in this case the one vehicle appears to be a police vehicle.....the average person would have received at least one if not several citations

  5. Nothing. Pull over to the next lane for emergency vehicles or get a ticket.

  6. not enough cops in one spot

  7. It's simply Delmar. Need I say more?

  8. Photographer standing in middle of road.

  9. It appears to me that a vehicle was passing on the double yellow line , this is a no passing zone.
    Say what you want about the cops , they are doing their job , wait till you need one you ignorant commenters.


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