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Friday, May 08, 2015

Wasting Taxpayer Money?

I took a double take yesterday when I saw the above image in West Ocean City.

The reason I took a double take is because there is NO sidewalk on this corner, nor do I see one coming in the near future.

As you look at the image you can see that there's a quick slope downwards as there's a retention pond below and no area to flatten it out to provide a sidewalk. It gets more dramatic as you go west down Rt. 50. 

It reminds me of the front area of Walmart in Berlin. There's a great bike path that's even illuminated but it NEVER gets used because there's no other path to their bike path. 

By the time they dream up a path from OC to Berlin we ALL know the state will run out of money. Heck, we can't even pave our roads since O'Malley took all that money. 

Finally, are they really encouraging pedestrians WALK/BIKE across Rt. 50 at this intersection? A disaster in the making!


  1. It's not a bike path at the Walmart but a walking path. Really doesn't matter as no one uses it for either.
    I'm pretty sure it was paid for by Walmart but when you take into consideration how we the taxpayers are supplementing walmart employees, it then reverts to the tax payers money actually used for the path.

  2. Check out the sidewalk in front of the new Walgreens on rt. 589 and Cathell Rd. outside of Ocean Pines. The same thing- the sidewalk to nowhere. I see these things as wastes of money and not needed in an area where foot traffic is non existent. Government is the enemy of common sense.

  3. The whole "master plan" is for the area all the way to Berlin to look like the areas in front of the Outlets and White Marlin Mall. As far as money is concerned this is P.G. County East we are talking about it doesn't have to be used it just has to look nice! I remember the big pow wow with the State of Maryland just before the outlets opened and the State of Maryland making a big deal about the grasses and "natural areas" in the fenced in portions of the new parking lots and how you can't mow or trim these areas as they are needed as natural filters for runoff. A representative of the Cordish Co., builders of the outlets, turned to me and bragged "they'll be filled in and paved in less than a year!" They were despite what DNR stated. It's not what you know, but who you know that counts in Maryland when the Democrats are running the show!

  4. Thank ADA and the State. Now, anytime a road is paved, intersections must be upgraded with ADA ramps. It is ridiculous. Another unfunded mandate.

    1. George HW Bush signed the ADA back in the 90s to the delight of skateboarders everywhere!!!

  5. It may not benefit us but as the area grows an more infrastructure is complete it should benefit future children and their children. We will leave them something of value.

    One very nice bike path is the one in Fruitland that runs from Salisbury across the bridge all the way around the Wall-mart property and is available for practical use today. I see bikers and pedestrians using it all the time.

    Also one does not know how valuable those ramps are until one is in a wheelchair.

  6. If you want to talk about a waste, how about the new intersection at Walston Switch Rd & Rt. 50. For the life of me I can't understand why that money was spent.

  7. There is a bigger waste of tax payers monies done by Mike Lewis and all his chasing the TV cameras.


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