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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Videos Of Protest In Princess Anne Today

Posted by Vicente Leonardo Hernandez on Tuesday, April 28, 2015


  1. Anybody know what is being protested?

  2. Bring in the fire trucks and tankers and spray them with the firehose. Those things have alot of water pressure and would disperse them quickly.

  3. Only thing they demonstrated was their stupidity.

  4. A bunch of jackasses. They don't know what they are protesting. Why weren't they helping the man and his children that died of carbon monoxide poisoning, and other persons in similar situations.

  5. They gonna git good local jobs, too!


  6. UMES is a freaking joke. As a public school teacher we have to have a high (about 80%) graduation rate. How can the state and/or federal government give money the this school with such an abysmal graduation rate? Not a good use of our tax dollars.

  7. Classic opportunist

  8. If U.M.E.S. students were only this passionate about graduating. I understand the plight of the poor of all colors this is not the answer people. Work on yourself. Try to make a better world blocking commerce and insulting people will never prevail.

    Where was Ernie L. in all this ?

  9. Why did they start screaming "hands up don't shoot"? Nobody even had a gun in sight, the cops were standing back letting the school official try to talk them off the road. They showed what absolute idiots they were!!!

  10. Selfish ignorant brats. Laughable.

  11. Lets get a group together and confront them.

  12. Well I must admit that they are certainly a creative bunch with their chants and whatnot. NOT!

  13. Who was the gentleman in the first video trying to talk them into a different course of action? Good for you, mister.

  14. 10:14
    I think he was someone from the college. What position he holds that I don't know


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