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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Video shows teacher hitting students with belt

BRANDYWINE, Md. (WUSA9) -- A video showing a teacher striking students with his belt reportedly occurred at Gwynn Park Middle School in Brandywine.

On social media, many people are defending the Prince George's County substitute teacher videotaped slinging a belt towards students.

"He didn't do anything other than discipline some knuckleheads," said Paul Wheeler in a Facebook message. This needs to happen more at home."

Many people who commented on my Facebook page said it appears the teacher was breaking up a fight.



  1. I see zero problem with this ever since we got rid of punishment these Thugs and there parents are the issue.

  2. Firing this guy is too good for him. I say take a belt to him.

  3. Once the chain of command has been established there will be order...

  4. maybe if the parents did it he wouldn't have to

  5. I would like to see a post entitled, "Video of unruly student who deserved to be hit with a belt."

  6. 9:36 As liberal as media sources have become, including our local blogs, you won't see that. Just more pandering to the "whoa is me" crowd.

    He will lose his job, but good job teacher. Beat their ass.

  7. LOL good for him. If only this were done more often!

  8. Lucky he was not white the school would burn. Funny the view when it is inner race. Libtard S.O.B.s

  9. The kids rolling around on the floor fighting did more damage or harm than that swat with the belt did. Did you notice just how fast it got their attention. They stop their foolish mess as soon as they felt that sting. I say good for him!

  10. We got spanked in school. I was spanked in Frankford Elementary clean up till the mid 80's. Fights , gangs, and guns were never a problem in schools then. More government equals more problems.

  11. If this had been a white teacher doing this all hell would break out and of course there would be looting and the standard burning down of buildings that go with their rioting behavior. BUT he is black and people are not condemning him. Go figure.


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