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Thursday, May 07, 2015

Va. lawmaker rebuked for posting pic of snarling police dog

A Virginia legislator apologized after drawing criticism for posting on Facebook a photo of a snarling police dog along with a reference to the recent civil unrest in Baltimore.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports (http://bit.ly/1H0Nec7) that the post and picture were captured Tuesday and reposted on the left-leaning blog Blue Virginia.

The picture shows a K-9 handler in SWAT gear restraining the menacing dog. A headline says, “Go ahead and run.” A caption at the bottom reads, “He likes fast food.



  1. Hahaha!! Priceless!

  2. Guy getting into trouble for saying his mind, freedom of speech. He is in trouble due to it hitting right on!

  3. Freedom of speech cannot cost you your job! And, hey, that is funny.

    Doesn't anyone have a sense of humor any more?

    There are things to be concerned about, and this is not one of them...


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