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Saturday, May 23, 2015

U.S. 'Prepared to Play a Leading Role' in Absorbing Muslim Refugees From Burma

(CNSNews) - The United States is "prepared to play a leading role" in resettling Muslim refugees from Burma and Bangladesh, known as Rohinga, a State Department spokesperson said on Wednesday.

"We've already resettled, I think, more than 1,000 Rohinga, and we said we're prepared to take a leading role in any (United Nations)-organized effort," said spokeswoman Marie Harf. "It has to be a multicountry effort. We obviously can't take this all on ourselves. But we are prepared to play a leading role in this effort."

Harf spoke one day after the United Nations refugee agency warned that time was running out for thousands of people stranded at sea and urged governments in Southeast Asia "to urgently rescue and disembark these vulnerable people."

"We estimate that nearly 4,000 people (Rohinga) from Myanmar and Bangladesh remain stranded at sea with dwindling supplies on board," the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said.



  1. WTH??? We don't already have enough people we can't take care of already?

    Never mind they're probably all Muslims, they weren't even trying to come here. I doubt they'll have much appreciation for the much hated USA.

    Muslims should be resettled in other Muslim countries. Africans should be resettled in African countries. South Americans, in South American countries. Less cultural conflict, easier to re-assimilate.

  2. Concerned retireeMay 23, 2015 at 4:05 PM

    You said it all they should be settled in other Muslim Nations. If they are not or not wanted in those Countries Then we should cut off all their foreign aide.
    We can't even support our own. That is why there are Homeless Veterans. Our cities are overrun by Homeless.

  3. why can't the gov't realize that we cannot afford any more refugees close the borders to all immigrants until the american citizens here are able to life a better life don't necessarily want the boat to sink,but i don't want them here,either feed the hungry kids in america,color has nothing to do with it we need to get all of the gov't programs straightened out and find people jobs those are the priorities we should be worried about

  4. I hope they send everyone to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or to their new digs in Hawaii. At least Obama will then a multitude of sons!

  5. Its all because Obama is a Muslim.


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