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Saturday, May 09, 2015

'Underfunded' Baltimore schools among best funded in nation

As unrest in Baltimore continues, journalists and liberal activists think they have identified the culprit – underfunded schools.

The only problem is that public schools in Baltimore are among the best funded in the entire country. And author and expert Alex Newman charges the demands for more money are nothing more than lies designed to prop up a failing system.

In an exclusive interview with WND, the co-author of
“Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children,” observed, “One of the great lies promoted by the education establishment is that more taxpayer funds are needed to properly educate students.


  1. Better parents are needed to properly educate students.

  2. The problem isn't the funding or the quality of the teachers. The problem is with the students.

  3. But honestly,all of us carry additional funds when we cross the bay bridge.We have to because everything costs more.Houses,real estate in general,food,clothing,building repair costs,etc etc all require more money than they do on our side of the bridge.Adjustments should be made when calculating how much Baltimore County gets as opposed to everyone else.

  4. Folks are mass producing kids faster than the rest of us can raise them.

  5. If the kid does not know how to behave before he gets to school no amount of money will fix it.


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