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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Two Incredible Eastern Shore Journalists No Longer Employed Here

While many doted about Bill Reddish hosting a local talk show and his position being abolished years ago, Bryan Russo, (who used to host Coastal Connections) with NPR Radio lost his job due to financial cutbacks. 

Brian Shane was with the Daily Times for years and was by far the best Journalist the Times was fortunate enough to employ. Brian also wrote pieces for the USA Today portion of Gannett as well. 

Local news organizations are now concentrating on the WOW FACTOR, rather than reporting the local news. Eye catching headlines is their main focus. 

I personally believe these two gentlemen were the best of the best and it's a true shame they have been let go. We wish them much success in their future endeavors. 


  1. darn darn darn! I loved Bryan Russo on Friday on WAMU! He was a great reporter and he always had wonderful stories and guests on. I am going to drop an email to WAMU and let them know!

  2. I know both of these gentlemen personally and it is ridiculous that they are out of work. It makes me sad, the local area here is so deprived of real news and reporting. Joe you do a great job of covering Salisbury and Wicomico County, and sometimes Worcester and Somerset. Bryan and Brian did a great job of covering OC politics and Worcester County. During election season Bryan Russo's show was a must listen. And Brian Shane had more informative stories than the Daily Times has ever had.

  3. Why doesn't WSCl or WESM hire him? Write them a letter, too.

  4. Looks like it may be time for a Sby News broadcast on line for a couple hours a week.The team of Albero,Russo and Reddish would be unstoppable.

  5. Russo's show was called "Coastal Connection."

  6. I think Bill Reddish was a pompous ASS! One of the worst interviewers I have ever heard. His arrogance was revolting, I was glad we were finally relived of his voice on air.


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