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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thug Tells Whites: Bow Down to Blacks, You’re All Gonna Die

Shocking racial animosity caught on camera

A shocking confrontation filmed on the streets of New York highlights the racial animosity that continues to plague America in the aftermath of last year’s Ferguson riots and the rise of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

The incident began when a member of the Five-Percent Nation, a militant offshoot of the Nation of Islam, began harassing a group of white hipsters in Union Square.

An older black man begins an argument with the group before threatening to “turn this motherfucker upside (down).”



  1. If they kill off all of the white people, who will pay for their welfare?

    1. Killing them off would be enough pay..... TRUST!!!

    2. Ungrateful, you are.

  2. I say Bring it .

  3. 12:43, Amen map

  4. Yet I am white and am the racist??

  5. Not nice at all...

  6. You really should take the time to read about the Black Israelites and The Five Percenters and understand the role they played in inciting the crowds in Ferguson and Baltimore. They're quick to condemn the "white Jesus" and are trying to steer young blacks towards their way of thinking. Once you get a feel for it, you can spot their rhetoric being used on message boards, social media, etc.

    1. Will definitely read up on them. I wonder how the MORE rent-a-riot organizers are connected to them...

  7. 5:12 is right. They are socialists/communist at the core because they've lost hope. And George Soros funds all this unrest behind the scenes to create chaos so we will beg for a world government.

  8. They should try that crap in Texas, and see what it gets them. Only in tightly "gun-controlled" NYC could they get away with that kind of thug behavior.


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