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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The state of gay rights around the world

The wave of acceptance for same-sex couples that has washed through some Western countries has not reached all shores. Many countries still punish homosexual acts with prison time, torture and even death. Here's a look at countries with noteworthy laws.



  1. With the overwhelming win for gay marriage in Ireland you have to wonder if the vote fixers from Maryland were working that election too.

  2. Acceptance is being taught in all the liberal schools systems that are indoctrinating our children. These are the "same" young people the voted for same sex marriage all across the country. These are the "same" young people who voted for Obama.

    These idiots have no idea the gay sex is not only dangerous, but it is immoral!! It's a serious illness.

  3. No. I would imagine most people voted for it honestly.

  4. Look who still has anti-gay laws. Africa and the Middle East. Enlightened regions of the planet.

  5. And,based on some of the comments above, if some of our voters had their way, the Eastern Shore would be right up there with those enlightened regimes.

  6. It was far more than just young people that voted for it in Ireland. It passed in every precinct except one.

  7. Yes it natural for men to sleep with men and women to sleep with women and natural for them to marry also. Anyone that accepts this are stupid. That's why when men and women sleep together naturally its supposed to procreate. That's the whole purpose of attractiveness between men and women. That's natural. If you are attracted to men and you are Jim Ireton then you are messed up just proof of his policies as mayor.

  8. 11:03 And I'm sure you were saying the same thing 50 years ago about interracial marriages.

  9. The Liberals are twisting the Bible messages to fill their agenda. One of their lies is, "Jesus, taught tolerance, and love for all men, therefore, like Jesus, it is good to love another man". They insinuate that Jesus and his Disciples were Gay! They tell about the travels of him and his Disciples, and how they slept together for warmth, and comfort.gain hinting at their "Gayness". It is an Obama-nation!

  10. 1:48 - what's your point - we've seen how many times it was actually successful - and how many times one was dragged down to the other's level - forget not the mark of Cain as one to be shunned!

  11. It's time to push back.


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