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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Postal Service lost $1.5 billion in the first three months of this year

The agency said it delivered 420 million fewer pieces of mail than in the first quarter of 2014. First-class mail fell 2.1 percent, and standard fell 1.1 percent. But the Postal Service does report delivering 14 percent more packages and that means a slight increase in operating revenue. Joseph Corbett, the agency's chief financial officer, said the Postal Service needs to invest in infrastructure and delivery vehicles, and that will improve margins for package deliveries.


  1. They need to increase training for all mail carriers on how to read the correct delivery addresses and learn how to deliver a person's mail accurately and deliver a person's mail each day not whenever they feel like processing the mail and doing their jobs.

    Locally, there is little to no supervision and oversight on accurate processing and delivery. If they did this, people would be more likely to trust them with mail delivery instead of using digital methods.

  2. A minimal salary cut would solve the problem.Start at 5%.

  3. 6:45 - you have a great point!
    I have opted out of a bunch of junk mail - and still get it..with my neighbor's apartment number on it! I have gone so far as to put a sign on the inside to let them know I have opted out....doesn't work - they're simply robots.....

  4. If we could get the feds out of the postal service we could eliminate the red ink. Pay fedex & ups a billion a year each to run it. We'd save a ton of money.

  5. The Post Office used to be the one to work for.
    But , as you know , we have lowered our standards in hiring.
    The country is run by idiots from the top down. Ain't that right Susie Richardson.

  6. Sorry I agree some of the staff is just slow or stupid. It is a failure. Need to shut it down completely

  7. The Internet has killed the Post Office, banks and retail are next to go.

  8. 6:45 remember who is in the Post Office working there, a certain majority that got in with reduced qualifications, lower test scores on the Civil Service Exam, and affirmative action. You can't really expect them to read too, do you? LOL !!!!


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