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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Bin Laden Raid Was A Work Of Fiction, And Barack Obama Should Immediately Resign

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has uncovered one of the biggest lies in modern American history

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has uncovered one of the biggest lies in modern American history.

It turns out that much of what the American public was told about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden was a blatant lie.

According to Hersh, Osama bin Laden had been captured by Pakistan all the way back in 2006, and he was being held by the ISI as a prisoner at the Abbottabad compound that the Seals ultimately raided in 2011. In addition, Hersh says that the ISI and Pakistan’s military knew about the Seal raid in advance. Arrangements were made so that the Black Hawk helicopters could travel through Pakistani airspace safely, and the ISI guards at Osama bin Laden’s compound were pulled away before the Seals got there. And by that time, Osama bin Laden was reportedly in such bad health that he was essentially a cripple. There was no “firefight” at all – only a turkey shoot. Afterwards, Osama bin Laden’s body never made it to the USS Carl Vinson for a “burial at sea”. That was all just part of the cover story according to Hersh. Of course the White House and Obama’s lackeys at CNNare strongly denying all of this, and they will continue to deny the truth for as long as they possibly can. But there are individuals in the U.S. military and in the U.S. intelligence community that can come forward and tell us what really happened. Let us hope that at least some of those individuals still care enough about this country to do that.



  1. 9/11 was inside job also

  2. LOL, yep and all of the Navy Seals involved in the mission were lying too. So much BS.

    1. You're wasting your breath trying to reason with these guys. The truth won't go through the thick walls of their parents basement.

  3. One, non-corroborated Pakistani statement vs. multiple US Navy Seal statements. I think I'll go with the Seals.

  4. He should resign regardless if the story is true or not.

  5. Since Obama has been President, my reactions have just about become numb. I am 52 and I have never seen things so bad.

  6. 9:29. Well I'm 52 also. Feeling much better than I did in 2008-2009. Sorry things are so bad for you.

  7. Well we could only wish this was true and Barack would go away. Wishful thinking.


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