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Monday, May 04, 2015

Telethon that Jerry Lewis memorably ran pulls plug

NEW YORK (AP) — The Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon is ending its annual Labor Day telethon, a television tradition for decades that has slowly disappeared from view since the sudden end of Jerry Lewis' role as host following the 2010 show.

The telethon was a relic from a different age, a tuxedoed Lewis oozing show biz schmaltz and hosting stars from Frank Sinatra to Jennifer Lopez over 45 years, pushing through his exhaustion to sing "You'll Never Walk Alone" as a tote board rang up millions of dollars in donations.

From 21 and a half hours in Lewis' final year, the show had been reduced to two hours the last two years on ABC.

"It's not a 21-hour world anymore," said Steve Ford, MDA executive vice president, on Friday.



  1. I personally think this show reflects exactly the direction America has been heading in for years, downward.

    Back when I was a kid, we all looked forward to this show/event. We went door to door raising money for the cause. Heck, I once walked 25 miles in Washington, D.C. to raise money for this event. Talk about a LONG day!

    Nevertheless, the economy has changed dramatically and the gift of giving has deteriorated as well.

    The celebrities that were on were always exciting and fun. Jerry Lewis was a HERO to the cause and my hat will always be tipped to him for doing everything he did.

    I had the honor and pleasure of meeting him in New York City in the early 80's. Brief, yes, but he was very kind. We met again while he was shooting "The King of Comedy" on Park Ave. When he recognized who I was, that was the coolest thing ever. HA, to be a kid again!

    He is the KING of Paying It Forward and always will be.

  2. I helped also walking 26 miles and met with Jerry lewis and Dean Martin when they made up. Jerry saw me later and took me to his residence in Vale. I got to sing along with Dean in Las Vegas with the Rat pack. They introduced me to many celebrities. Jerry had some health issues , swelling of the feet, circulation but continued for decades to help children.

  3. "It's not a 21-hour world anymore," said Steve Ford, MDA executive vice president, on Friday.

    wonder why then, all those repeats to fill in 24 hours on every chanel. frankly, I'd give anything to see a test pattern now & again

  4. I would give anything to see something cured once in a while.

  5. I remember going to Skateland for their 24 hour skate-a-thon for the Jerry Lewis telethon.


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