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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Tea Party Lawyer Mitchell Rips Congress for Inaction on IRS Scandal

It's been two years since an inspector general's report revealed the IRS had targeted tea party and conservative groups for extra scrutiny – but the lack of action since then also illustrates "Congress's inability to exercise its constitutional oversight responsibilities," lawyer Cleta Mitchell charges.

In a blistering op-ed commentary in the Wall Street Journal Thursday night, Mitchell, who represents many tea party and conservative groups, says it's time both the Obama administration and Congress do something to rectify the inaction.

"Lying to Congress is a felony," she writes. "But the Obama Justice Department has not lifted a finger to prosecute anyone responsible for the IRS scandal, including top brass who repeatedly gave false testimony to Congress."

But "neither has Congress done much about being lied to by the IRS," she adds.

Mitchell says a report issued last December by California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa – then chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform—"details numerous instances in which senior IRS officials, including former Commissioner Doug Shulman, Acting Commissioner Steven Miller and Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner lied to Congress, denying and covering up the targeting of tea party and conservative groups before the inspector general’s May 2013 report."

She also lashes out at IRS commissioner John Koskinen for telling Congress in June 2014 that there were multiple unsuccessful efforts to recover a trove of mysteriously missing emails to and from Lerner.

"All the while the emails were sitting on an off-site server in West Virginia," she writes.



  1. People should have gone to jail long ago over this.
    I haven't seen corruption of this magnitude since the old days of the Soviet Union.

  2. Around August we will be fitted for out Brown Shirts...

  3. A few days back someone commented about the RICO STATUE . I found it very interesting.
    I have come to the conclusion that the Federal Government is guilty of these crimes .
    All branches of our government are corrupt and remind me of the Mafia.

  4. I keep telling you --- they will openly flaunt the law and sneer when "the law" is even brought up in the conversation.
    You and I (we, the people") would be facing PRISON TIME for any number of crimes they have, and are, committing now. PRISON.
    But, the Masters know "the law" isn't made for them.
    There will be no arrests, no prosecutions, no jail, no fines, no prison time, nothing. Hell, ONE of them may likely be the next President!! Regular citizens are PROMPTLY JAILED/IMPRISONED for a whole lot less and you all know it. Cheer on, my brother, cheer on.
    Without question and beyond any doubt, our "leaders" are NOT in it for the good of the country. Or for the good of "the people".
    How much corruption, self-enrichment, OBVIOUSLY shady and slimy "deals" (for FURTHER self-enrichment!), kickbacks, paybacks, payoffs, insider trading (more self-enrichment), and greedy manipulations does it take for anyone to say "ENOUGH!".
    It doesn't matter which party you like....money knows no party lines. And there is money in them thar hills!
    Keep cheering.


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