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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Taylor: Donald Trump’s Refreshing Lack Of A Filter


This election season is going to be all sorts of entertaining – with six Republican candidates already announcing their candidacies and many more GOP darlings soon to jump into the ring. Included in the latter group? World famous real estate mogul Donald Trump.

I remember always being fascinated with this man – who has more money than God (“I built up a network that’s about $10 billion … it’s actually probably over $10 billion now”) – ever since seeing his Home Alone 2 cameo. I also love The Apprentice and admire his gorgeous daughter.

Recently, though, I’ve come to appreciate his complete lack of filter when talking about politics.

How is it that a man can say “I don’t give a sh*t about the lobbyists!” and get a standing ovation at the South Carolina Faith and Freedom Summit?

It’s because people appreciate being told things straight. And Donald Trump does just that – he doesn’t sugar coat anything. He’s like the one friend we all have that says “you look fat in that dress.” You may not want to hear it at the time, but you appreciate after the fact that he didn’t let you go out looking like a train wreck.



  1. Four corporate bankruptcies in his past. I think we can do better.

  2. thank you 12:57. You have brought sanity to the discussion. Trump shoots his mouth off, because he can. He can say what he wants because he is not responsible for anything. So yeah, he has some interesting opinions on things, but he is a loose cannon without any degree of responsibility.

    Sadly, Republicans fall for this stuff all the time because they are desperate to win. So, someone like Sarah Palin gets taken seriously, or Herman Cain. Both of these people are fine, upstanding citizens, but they are in over their head when it comes to the Presidency (and yes, Obama is a disaster).

    They are about to do it again with some of the people running (run, Ben, run). Dr. Carson is one of the most decent human beings on the planet, but he is not qualified to be President. I would put him in charge of HHS.

    I still think that the country missed a golden opportunity in Mitt Romney - a decent man who was insanely competent in all he did (business, government, and the Olympics).

    People like Trump, Bolton, and others should not be President, but they seem to have an open invitation to Greta Van Sustern - which is a tragic mistake. I wish she would be an actual newsperson and ask them hard questions (like Megyn Kelly), rather than a cheerleader.

    Please, please, please Republicans - put a smart, intelligent, proven leader in the role.

  3. So he's had some bankruptcies and in over his head? Lets look at the poor excuse of a president we have right now. Trump trumps that vote every time! Pun intended. And then ROMNEY? Come on, another Republican establishment pick right up there with Jeb. If Romney runs again I will stay home. I know, "then that's a vote for Hillary wa, wa WAHHH".
    As Hillary most famously said "At this point what difference does it make"?

  4. Remember...Trump got out of those bankruptcies...I think he is an awesome shrewd businessman and could possibly get us out of this mess that we are in....no, he has no filter, and I am one of those who finds that part of his personality appealing. I like to be around someone who can tell it like it is! No matter what else he is, you certainly know where he stands and how to fix it.

  5. The good thing about Trump, is he is rich enough not to be easily bought by rich lobbyists for special interest groups. He can afford to say what he really means and stand behind it.


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