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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Talk About A Load Of Crap!

We have had people monitoring the Rt. 50 area all day today and not one person has seen a sign about the new law mandating headlight use on the Shore.

If you have seen a sign and or can take a picture of it. In the mean time law enforcement is pulling people over left and right on Rt. 50. We'd also like to know if ANY of the people getting pulled over are being ticketed for no headlight use. 

Finally, anyone leaving Willards, Powellville, Pittsville and Parsonsburg heading west bound, there are NO signs whatsoever. Yesterday's press release stated they had already placed signs on the highway but no one has seen them. 


  1. Operation Cashflow in full effect.

  2. Saw one cop in the area today watching almost all cars go by with no headlights. Maybe they are just using it as a piggyback for now? Also, saw no signs either...

  3. I enjoyed the ONE DAY notice to everyone.


  4. The people that live here went to school here, and as we all know, most all graduated not knowing how to read.

  5. Seen one sign just past 90 east bound. Said end of headlight use. And five cops at 50 and 346 east bound.

  6. Just another reason to stop your car so the can search. I know we need the police, but why do they keep giving us reasons to dislike them..

  7. Thieves and liars. Crooks.

  8. Got a speeding ticket in Berlin RT 50.... Not a mention of lights on by state trooper and I know mine were off!

  9. Can someone, anyone spell out to me exactly where are we to turn our headlights on? Is it all of Rte. 50 and all of Rte. 13 or just parts of these? If just parts, which parts and where??? I am so very confused.

  10. Probably one of the most stupid ideas SHA has come up with yet. How many cars slamming into trees would take a different path with their headlights on? Maybe if they got rid of the stupidity that kills - the bypass exits on 50 & 13, the 60' road crossover come to mind, and let this stuff go, life would be better - and longer - for everyone.

  11. saw one on west bound 50 when coming out of rt 610, no very big but it was there

  12. Does anyone know who introduced this bill to be law? It seems sort of silly to me what with all the real problems we have.

  13. Said it starts at rt 13 but which rt 13 down by Arbys on 50 @ ward street cause rt 13 crosses there. Or is it where rt 13 bypass dumps off onto 50. Way to confusing so there are plenty of back roads that can get me where I need to go with out the headlight requirement's.

  14. 6:37
    The announcement said while driving on route 50 between route 13 *bypass* and route 90. So if you are eastbound it is from Perdue Stadium until you get to 90.....and in reverse when you are going westbound.

  15. Where are the signs, and why was this just announced yesterday, one day before the holiday weekend?

    Because it is just a revenue machine! Money, money, money! State Police money grab.

    Pathetic loser theft ring.

  16. Duh...just run with your headlights all all the time, then its not a problem! Most models run with headlights automatically...

  17. I saw a sign on 50 this morning as I drive from ocean city to salisbury
    Seems like a good idea to me

  18. Its about revenue and a new way to make contact with people. You sheeple need to know the government cares less of your safety.

  19. They have a sign just after the 90 exit to TURN OFF YOUR LIGHTS as you approach Berlin Barracks ....

    Did no see one to turn them on....

    I travel that way all the time

  20. Ignorance is no excuse of the law!

    But when you come to Maryland you would have to take a course to know and understand the law here. Although it would take a couple of years to complete the course to know the law here. then the refresher courses will never end because Maryland thinks creating more laws will help the stupid people who cannot think for themselves.

    Headlights on the routes they have listed are not going to solve anything. Common sense and slowing down is the only cure for it.

  21. If people would stay off their cell phones while driving, that in itself would be a great help!

    1. Did you post this from your phone?


  22. First, I drive with my lights on all of the time in order to be a bit more visible to the distracted drivers. My car does not have automatic on lights; I consciously do this as part of starting the car.

    Second, this mandate is stupid and foolish for this particular stretch of road because it is a four lane divided highway.

    The 'lights on' for Rt 113 before dualization and for Rt 90 made a lot of sense because a lot of cars were traveling at each other on two lane, higher speed road stretches.

    SHA must have filled their brains at the WWTP before coming up with this one.

  23. Saw one last night on the way home from Wear OC.

  24. Well, if we listen to KING OBAMA and the Democrats:

    Vehicles contribute to global warming...or CLIMATE CHANGE


  25. I saw a small sign just across the Pocomoke river before rt 610. That is the only one and I drive that route everyday!

  26. The question that no one has asked to date, that I have heard, is when did the State Highway Administration obtain the authority to establish traffic law in Maryland?


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