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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Taking Donald Trump Seriously

In a new Bloomberg-St. Anselm poll of New Hampshire, Donald Trump is running in fifth place in the 2016 Republican presidential field. The real estate developer and reality TV personality is behind only Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio — and is ahead of Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum.

In a WMUR Granite State New Hampshire poll taken a short time earlier, Trump again placed ahead of Huckabee, Carson, Perry, Santorum, Fiorina, Jindal, Kasich, and Graham.

In Iowa, Craig Robinson, a former state GOP official and founder of the Iowa Republican blog, recently published a piece headlined "It's hard to ignore Trump when he's doing all the right things." "Trump has spent more time in Iowa this year than Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie combined," Robinson noted, "and he has more trips to Iowa already scheduled."

To some Iowa Republicans, Trump's hiring of the respected veteran GOP operative Chuck Laudner — last seen guiding Rick Santorum to a hard-won caucus victory in 2012 — is a sign Trump is serious about the possibility of running for president. Laudner has, in turn, hired three staff members — at this stage in Iowa, that's a fairly substantial campaign. Trump is running a smart operation, Robinson notes, and seeing encouraging early signs:

He addressed a crowd of over 500 at Simpson College in Indianola, and last week, he had a crowd of over 800 at Wartburg College in Waverly. In addition to college stops, Trump has been headlining fundraising events for Republican candidates and organizations. Trump has done events for the Polk County Republican Party, state Sen. Jack Whitver, Secretary of State Paul Pate, and the Scott County GOP. In each instance, Trump has helped each draw impressive crowds.



  1. he could beat the pantsuit off of hillary

  2. It's time the Republicans get their act together and only supported 2or3 candidates. With so many running it looks as if the party is divided within itself.

  3. Donald run bc if you don't i guess America means Nothing too ?

  4. Trump will never get the nomination. 2:41 is correct and I'll add that it needs to be someone that can bring the extreme right and the moderate right together.

  5. And the seasoned politicians will make him look like a damn fool during the debates.

  6. Trump is a clown that has no chance. Please get serious and let's support a real candidate and not another person looking for power and attention. Can we get somebody similar to Hogan...that guy is doing work...he has repealed like 5 taxes already along with calming the Baltimore situation. Shame he hasn't been governor long enough to build a larger following and higher level of experience. I have always voted Democrat, but my eyes are now open and I realize that I have been blindly voting just because it was in my party and not really doing the research. But I do consider myself to be a smart man and that means I am learning. Trust me when I say that I am the type of voter that the Republicans need to win. Give us somebody that we can believe in and stop supporting somebody that you have to tell us to take seriously. One that isn't caught up in telling Americans what they can and cant do. You cannot pick and choose when to intervene in a persons life. Concentrate on our education system and some real reform to social programs that would actually work instead of enabling people. Instead of a welfare check, imagine using that same money for education...just think if that was our primary goal, how it would resolve so many of our other problems. It would instill hope and ambition into so many young people with whom have lost hope for a successful future. Give us somebody real!

  7. His first executive order....TRUMP spelled out in 20 foot high gold letters on the front of the White House.

  8. Not gonna happen


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