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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Study: 'Impossible' for GOP to Win Black Voter

A new study of blacks and their voting patterns finds that nothing the Republican Party does, even nominating African-American GOP candidates, works to win them over.

"Historical legacies provide deeply rooted ties between blacks and the Democratic Party," said the study in the authoritative journal Political Research Quarterly. "These ties may simply render it impossible for Republicans — black or otherwise — to move public opinion or mobilize among blacks," it added.

The study, provided to Secrets, searched through the demographic details of 3,300 African-American voters in the 2010 election, when the GOP had nearly three dozen black House candidates running, part of the Republican Party's push to attract minority voters.

But the authors, political scientists from Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Chicago, found it didn't help. "Republican efforts in recruiting black candidates were ultimately unsuccessful at mobilizing black voters," said the study titled, "Candidate Race, Partisanship, and Political Participation: When Do Black Candidates Increase Black Turnout?"

Since 1981, the GOP has focused on expanding the black vote beyond single digits — and mostly failed. But not always.

Read more here


  1. There is really no need for their votes if everyone "else" will get off their duffs and vote.

  2. then they deserve everything that they get. It would serve them right to pay attention to history and what happens when you blindly vote for people just because they are democrats. Look at Baltimore city to get an ideal of what happens when you vote for someone for the sole reason of a party affiliation.

  3. Good point 1:25.

  4. Remember keep them poor and dumb so they keep voting the same. Sad thing it works.

  5. What do they expect? You can't discriminate against and persecute an entire race of people and then expect their vote.

  6. They're too brainwashed to understand who's holding them down.

  7. 448, Whaaaat?

    Please, an example! We're all ears!

  8. without some of the AA community, the Hispanic community and the gay community, the Republicans have very little hope of winning another presidential election.

  9. Lots of these folks are waking up and realizing that they've been had.
    They may not admit voting Republican, but a lot more of them will.


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