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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Student Absolutely Flummoxed by College Adviser’s Reaction When He Walked Into Her Office: ‘Oh My God’

Kennesaw State University student Kevin Bruce had a couple of questions for his exercise science adviser, so he dropped by her office at the Georgia school Wednesday despite not having made an appointment.

Once in the office, Bruce said he was told his adviser was busy and that he should complete a form and come back in an hour. When Bruce said he’d rather wait, Abby Dawson was summoned.

Bruce’s reaction? “Oh my God.”



  1. The article states he knows he was supposed to set up a meeting, but felt there was no reason for the procedures couldn't be changed just for him, because he pays tuition after all. Then he posts the video on the web and opens this woman up to all sorts of racism claims and involves the media and the school. What a bunch of whiny, entitled brats we're raising.

  2. 11:22
    You are correct. It looks like they have put the adviser on leave until they work it out. If the policy is to make an appointment, that is what he should do. It's how the system works. I guess he figures he is better than those that had to wait for an appointment. I wonder if he is actually paying money or getting a free ride.

  3. the fact that he pulled out his camera in anticipation of a problem indicates he has been a jerk in the past and does not learn from his experiences.
    it is always someone else's fault with some folk now isn't it.
    the whole culture of blacks in college are their privileged attitudes.
    just because I pay to go there means I am special.
    I worked at UMES and that is their 100% mentality.
    there is an expectation that the staff, especially the white staff will kiss their azzes because of the whole black privileged attitude. I was once told by a black staff member that you did not want a black child complaining about me (I am white) because of the parents backlash and that I would be viewed as a racist.
    life will be hard for this man child, as he will soon learn, he is no one special.

  4. It's hilarious when pansy liberal ideology collides with itself!

  5. I don't think it's a racial issue, I think the lady is just plain ignorant. There is no reason why he can't wait in the office except for the reason that she doesn't want to get caught doing nothing and being stubborn about seeing a student. Personally, when I didn't live on campus and had extra time between classes or appointments, I would wait longer than usual because it wasn't worth leaving and coming back.

  6. Same crappie happens at DSU . White students need help and black professors ignore you but go out of their way to help black students.

  7. He is a liar and has done this before, you can tell by the context of whats being said. There is more to the story.
    Black with an attitude, whats new.

  8. She needs a chill pill and hormone therapy.


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