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Monday, May 25, 2015

SPD: Memorial Day Ceremony

#MemorialDay screening getting underway @ Wicomico Civic center http://t.co/c5gOK6UdDs

Posted by Salisbury Police Department on Monday, May 25, 2015


  1. FYI - this event was not sponsored by the Salisbury Police Department or the City of Salisbury. If Ireton was there I didn't see him or Jake Day.

  2. It was an AWESOME Service!!! THank You, Ed Tattersal, Russell Franklin, Dave Suiter, David Mills, Susan Calhoun, Pete Layfield, Ralph Cordrey, Anthony Sarbanes, WCCC, and ROTC and WCSO, Re,. Harvey Dixon and to Zoe -Who sang the National Anthem - WOW, You did an awesome job!!! From , Amazing Grace to Taps - EVERYONE did an awesome job!! God Bless each and every one of you!!

  3. It was an excellent event remembering those who came before.

  4. #‎MemorialDay‬ screening getting underway @ Wicomico Civic center

    WTF does this mean? Why were they even there? This is in the County and not in the City Limits so why would they even post anything on it? They don't even have jurisdiction! But of course Laura "Welfare Queen" Mitchell has to retweet and she is the only one that did so. LMFAO


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