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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Shootings Riddle Baltimore After Riots

Fifty people have been shot in Baltimore following the riots that started April 28, an average of three to four shot per day.

Besides the damaged buildings sprinkled across the battered city, Baltimore has seen a spike in shootings since the riots in late April that set much of the city on fire and injured several the Baltimore Sun reports.

The past weekend featured a shooting spree in the city with 10 shot on Sunday. Sunday night was particularly bloody, with three homicides in a one-hour span.



  1. The Omalley gun ban did nothing to help. And that knucklehead wants to run for president.

  2. Well look at it this way they are now eliminating their own. Police can't get blamed for that now can they. Less tax dollars we have to pay out for thugs and drug dealers. I guess Baltimore will now become a mini Detroit.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Well look at it this way they are now eliminating their own. Police can't get blamed for that now can they. Less tax dollars we have to pay out for thugs and drug dealers. I guess Baltimore will now become a mini Detroit.

    May 13, 2015 at 3:08 PM

    I can't wait!!

  4. Guns don't kill people, people kill people!!

  5. Let em roll , get rid of this problem .

  6. They are now fighting over each others stolen merchandise.

  7. This is the White mans fault!

  8. I image the cops have backed off! You blame them? I say let the scum take each other out. Cant fix stupid and that's MD for ya ..40 + years of FAILED libtarded policies. Hows that hope and change working for you? All i know is its cost me more. I have little hope for our country and some loose change in my pocket

  9. Just another day in Charm City. Wonder what the demographics of the shootings are??


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