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Sunday, May 10, 2015

SHERIFF: Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Charged the Wrong People, Wrong Names, Wrong Addresses of 2 Officers

Evil and incompetent… what a bunch of Progressive idiots. Not only was it a rush to judgement of epic proportions and political grandstanding on a breathtaking level, Mosby charged the wrong people, under the wrong names, wrong birth dates and wrong addresses. This sent the vultures from the media and others to the homes of innocent people who have now had their lives turned upside down and have had to hire counsel to get the matter handled. Way to go Mosby… if she is this incompetent in charging those involved, think how she’ll handle the rest of the case and further developments in Baltimore. I hope those wrongfully charged sue the city for all its worth and win.

What a disaster.

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby charged the wrong people, wrong names, wrong birth dates and wrong address during Friday’s much hyped press conference.

The six Baltimore officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray are (top row from left) Caesar Goodson Jr., Garrett Miller, Edward Nero and (bottom row from left) William Porter, Brian Rice and Alicia White. (Baltimore Police Department via AP)

Sheriff Mike Lewis shared this information on Hannity on Monday.

“When Miss Mosby stood up in front of the world with her theatrics at her press conference last Friday she charged two of the wrong people. Now, when I say she charged two of the wrong people, I don’t mean she charged two of the wrong officers. I mean she charged the wrong people. Innocent people. Of the six police officers that were charged two of them were charged under the wrong names, the wrong dates of birth and the wrong addresses.

And because of that, reporters went to the wrong addresses of these innocent people, these private citizens and whose lives have now been invaded. They went to their homes, knocked on their doors. They harassed them. They went to their neighbors and attempted to get interviews. And it wasn’t until these innocent people these private citizens contacted their local state’s attorney’s offices that this problem was rectified.”



  1. Wow! Unbelieveable.

  2. One can now see how Baltimore is a sludge pit.

  3. Now the Public knows where our Sheriff stands. That is why he was elected and holds this position.
    We will follow this man to hell and back because we know he will have our back and enforce the law.

  4. Get ready to follow him to TV. That's obviously his agenda.


  5. LOL He will forget you and Wico. in a heartbeat for a higher profile job especially if there is a camera involved!

  6. guilty until proven innocent

  7. Where in the world did Mosby get her GED in law?

  8. Mosby has no law education. It is an elected position. Black people vote for black people even if they have no qualifications. Look at the leadership of Baltimore and the democrats. There lies the problem.

  9. Wow this is unbelievable. It is incredible anyone would listen to this camera loving idiot.

  10. Wow! He can be found in the office for the t.v. camera!

  11. Hannity should ask Lewis how his police treated the Tomelson family last year.

  12. Very professionally!

  13. 2:26 please go back to sleep or to your cabin in the marsh. Mosby is the state's ATTORNEY. Attorney is another word for lawyer indicating that a person has a JD and passed the Bar exam. I'm no fan of hers but you are just plain ignorant which is worse.

  14. Mike Lewis is the MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I said she came out to soon. Now that is what happens when you speak without thinking as many do in office. map

  16. Again I stand behind our Sheriff 100%, he has more heart, and soul and clearly gets his facts straight. I just hope he stays here and never moves. Thank God Salisbury has someone to be proud of ain't it so?

  17. Why does Lewis insist on stiring the pot even more for Baltimore? I guess he figured that his two cents will keep him on camera and mike Lewis loves a camera.

  18. If you move in a little closer 4:29 you'll be in....

  19. If you want someone to be proud of how about Joe for letting us know what the hell is killing us? map

  20. Mike Lewis and his deputies harass people every day. They sure do get pissed when they don't find what they think they should.

  21. I bet Lee Stevens could do as good of a job as Mikey.

  22. Jonathan Taylor is a spiteful man. Lewis has protected this county, including your fat ass, and done it well. Be more appreciative and a little less of a hater.
    All the negativity here is from one sick individual.
    GET HELP NOW JT !! There is a suicide hotline for people like you.

  23. A man that stays true to his creed is a good man. Mike keep telling it people are listening. Hate him if you must but the guy has a grasp of what is happening to America. The Black Washing of politics and small minds. This is all about keeping "O" in office.

    Facts are fast and easy. Lies will catch you every time. Stop blaming cops or White America for the forty year failure welfare has become.

    Work by the sweat of thy brow and good things will come. I will stand by any American that is true to this free country we live in. Any color, any faith, any time.

    God Bless America


  24. why is this guy using his office for private gain. this is a misuse of county funds.

  25. how is this misuse of county funds 1:08

  26. Mike is a gun toting cowboy... He's no Sheriff..just a lucky individual with a good ole boy support system who had no1 in position to run against him... Any man that holds a gun on his side will have the heart to be able speak and do whatever comes to mind ....in his power of position this city has gone ragged... As far as him giving his opinion on the Baltimore situation it's like saying the earth was flat...

  27. Lets face it , anyone in law enforcement, or civilian, that does not see a police brutality problem in this country is either stuck on stupid or you been living under a rock. Everyday lately images of cell phone recordings, or private security cameras have caught you red handed at your dirty work that has been going on for years. Your " Blue Blood has run dirty, and you know it. Officers that have been caught have now no where to run or hide except your union hired crooked ex police lawyers who are just as crooked as most of you are. But the fact still remains you are not respected any more because you have been caught with blood on you hands. You have ruined what your badge stands for, and that is to protect and serve. The Baltimore police now dont know what else to do except point the finger at the States Attorney, and the Mayor. They are not on your side anymore because not only are they not stupid, they want to keep there jobs just like you. Why should they go down because of your bad behavior! America has caught up with you. Things for you will never be the same. You really need to take a good look at the way you do business or you will be on the other side of the law.

  28. Stay away from the camera Mike! You are not all that! Remember you ran for office with out opposition. We all dont like you!!

  29. The best part with Md Case Search is that Officers charged with crimes and arrested or otherwise will be put on there and anyone can access this site and find out where they live and their addresses and if u ever been locked up by them and want to stop by their home and say hi . You will have their him address by way of md case search and there is nothing they can do as it is public free record and they need to be aware of this when they commit crime that their personal address will be posted for all to see and could stop by their home and say Hi to their family and maybe stop by for dinner.....

  30. Soory BS on the brutallity stuff. A million contacts daily by the cops nation wide. Even if 200 of those contacts go bad that is not banormal. Cops are police they dont get called to a house to celabrate a child's Birthday Party. Unless it is one where the whole project shows up and get drunks at atwo years old party.

    We kill forty to save 6 million oh well. I have never seen the cops kill a good citizen. They kill bad people with bad history/ OH WELL Get Over It and try living legal for a change.



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