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Saturday, May 09, 2015

School faces funding cut if it drops transgender plan

A plan to add “gender identity” to a Virginia school’s nondiscrimination policy has enraged parents and preachers, but leaders of the nation’s tenth largest school district say unless they make the change, the U.S. Department of Education could withdraw federal funding.

Critics warn the Fairfax County Public School policy would allow boys who identify as girls to use the locker rooms and bathrooms of their choice – as well as participate on athletic teams of their choosing.



  1. go ahead, people, and call their bluff. Who needs their damn funding anyway. We NEVER had any federal funding when I was growing up and the teachers taught the SUBJECT - not to the test. The U.S. Dept. of Education needs abolishing and we need to get back to sensible, realistic education - all you have to do is look around at how dumb kids are today to know that our current system is a massive failure. Fight, my Virginia bretheran, fight. Transgender my a$$. God save us. The Kilbirnie Kid

  2. By law the control of Education is the responsibility of the state not the central(Fed) government.


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